Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
D / E

dARTboard Call for Entries 2013

Einsendeschluss: 20.07.2012

We are now accepting submissions for the dARTboard, our digital art space launched in Spring 2012. Foreign-born artists living permanently in the United States and specializing in new media art forms are encouraged to submit their works. Like our first winner, Ukrainian-born artist Irina Danilova, this year’s chosen artist will be invited to exhibit his or her new media work on the dARTboard, where it will be on display on Vilcek.org beginning in early 2013.

The choosen applicant will receive an Artist's Honorarium of 5.000 $. 

There is no application fee.

 For further information:  http://www.vilcek.org/gallery/dartboard