2024 ‘Passage’ AiR (Artist-in-Residence) programme
Einsendeschluss: 15.01.2024
The Artist-in-Residence programme 'Passage' is looking forward to applications from the fields of photography and film. There are two residencies available in the Dübener Heide (Saxony, Germany) for June 2024, with one residency awarded to a female artist who is also a mother. Applications must be submitted informally by email to info[at]passageair.org by 15th January 2024. Required details for the application are: name, first name, a valid email address. In addition, the following information must be attached to the email together in one pdf (max 15 MB):
- artistic curriculum vitae
- planned work project during the residency (max. 2000 characters) - meaningful work samples
The funding comprises:
- the arrangement and assumption of the costs for accommodation in the Dübener Heide for the duration of the four-week stay in June 2024
- the assumption of travel costs for arrival and departure up to a maximum of 500,00 EUR
- a one-time grant of 1000,00 EUR
- the assumption of the costs of transportation during the residency up to a maximum of 150,00 EUR
- for the female artist-parent, the assumption for travel costs of the child and temporary childcare for the duration of the stay up to a maximum of 600,00 EUR
All further details can be found on the 'Passage' website: passageair.org