call for submissions: 15th head on photo festival
Einsendeschluss: 17.03.2024
(English version only)
Let's begin creating an unforgettable 15th Head On Photo Festival!
I am happy to announce that we are now accepting submissions for this year's Festival.
Mindful of our current funding challenges, we will distil this year's Festival down to two prominent locations in Sydney, Australia, showcasing 30 - 40 outstanding exhibitions during the November/December period.
The highly esteemed and experienced selection panel and I eagerly anticipate viewing your best photographic works in the coming weeks.
Moshe Rosenzveig OAM
Founder & Director, Head On Foundation
We accept submissions from individuals, groups, galleries, and curators worldwide and in Australia.
All genres of photography are accepted as we showcase photography as a medium that inspires us with its captivating range of uses, from artistic expression to journalistic storytelling, historic preservation, and commercial innovation.
To promote equality, we select submissions based solely on their merit using a blind selection process.
Deadline: 11:59pm on Sunday 17 March, Sydney time (GMT+11)
More information here