Eikon - Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst
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Open call: 2024 Artlab Editorial Fellowship

Einsendeschluss: 31.03.2024

Hyundai Artlab has announced the second year of the Artlab Editorial Fellowship for 2024.

(english version only)

Within the realm of art, writers act as the vital, informed witness, hyper-attuned to shifts both seismic and small, diligently assessing how the local ripples out into the universal and vice versa. As our world continues to become more interconnected, vast, and contradictory, a keen eye and voice is all the more valuable in understanding the complexities of contemporary life.
As an extension of their mission to champion writing about today’s most compelling artists—and celebrate connectivity in all its forms—Hyundai Artlab is on the lookout for two art writers whose forward-thinking insights and intimate ties to their communities and geographic regions offer a critical lens through which to view art as a bellwether for change.

This fellowship is open to art writers from anywhere in the world, and at any stage of their career. The two selected fellows will be provided 10,000 dollars each to produce three pieces of writing for Artlab Editorial in 2024 and will be paired with one of this year’s Fellowship advisors, Charlotte Kent and Andrew Russeth, for regular one-on-one guidance and mentorship throughout the program.

The application is open now through March 31, 2024, 11:59pm EST.

 More information here