Anastasia Khoroshilova - UNTITLED/OHNE TITEL
from the series “Gestern. (Eine Begegnung mit Familie D.)”
35 x 40 cm, 2012/13
numbered and signed
in cooperation with Gallery Ernst Hilger
Edition: 30 + V
Price: € 450,00 (incl. 10% VAT)
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"The core of Khoroshilova’s artistic approach lies in her desire to generate authenticity, and she does this with the perfect feel for the authentic as “a discursive staging of truth, frankness, and polyvocality,”especially in the paradoxical interrelation between truth and performance, materiality and construction." (Kathrin Becker in EIKON #81, S.23)
Read more about the artist and her projects in the detailed illustrated articles in EIKON #81/2013, S. 18-23, EIKON #50/2005, S. 22-29 and EIKON Anastasia Khoroshilova | Russkie.
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