Beate Passow. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse + Magazine Launch #129 (am 24.02.2025)
On the occasion of the 3rd year of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Beate Passow presents her monumental tapestry Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the series Monkey Business at the EIKON Schauraum. The artist, who weaves contemporary, historical, and political events – in this case, quite literally – together, depicts Russian President Vladimir Putin in four roles: as an apocalyptic rider, he brings death, hunger, disease, and war.
“Immediately after its beginning, Passow designed the tapestry which, like the other works in the series, is composed of many photographs. In this way, a specific event is raised to a symbol, even uncannily charged, and due to its black-and-white photographic aesthetic, it seems all the more real and dramatic.”
(Wolfgang Ullrich, EIKON #129)
Since 2017, Beate Passow has been using the Monkey Business series, which focuses on Europe, to explore the continent's political challenges and shortcomings, ranging from Brexit, the crisis, protest movements, populism and racism to war in Europe.
A work in profile is dedicated to the artist in EIKON #129.
Beate Passow: Four Horsemen of the Apocaplypse
Opening: February 24, 2025, 6:30 pm
Exhibition: February 25, 2025 – May 9, 2025
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | on view 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Wien,
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Beate Passow, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 2002, from the series Monkey Business

Invitation: Opening and Discussion (am 24.02.2025)
The Austrian Institute of Photography and Media Art – EIKON is inviting you the opening of the EIKON thematic focus “Picture Politics”.
The exhibition Beate Passow: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse at the EIKON Schauraum constitutes the artistic input to an in-depth occupation with the complex aspects of the mutual influences of pictures, society, and politics. The artist sharply and directly centers the current political trends in her multimedia works.
“She demonstrates alarmingly how Europe and its liberal democracies are now breaking down or at least being massively harmed by authoritarian and right-wing populist forces.”
Wolfgang Ullrich in EIKON #129
EIKON, together with artists and experts, is setting out to investigate the pictures of politics and the politics of pictures and is inviting you to the discourse.
BEATE PASSOW: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Opening: February 24, 2025*, 6:30 p.m.
Durartion: February 24 - May 9, 2025
EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Vienna
The artist is present.
February 24*,2025, 7:00 p.m., at MuseumsQuartier Room D
Bettina Leidl – director MuseumsQuartier Vienna, welcoming words
Beate Passow – artist
Andra Spallart – art collector
Emil Brix – director Diplomatic Academy Vienna
Carl Aigner – board member of EIKON, moderator
Thank you for registering in advance:
*On the morning of February 24 three years ago, Russia started its military invasion of Ukraine.
Photo: Beate Passow, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 2022, from the series Monkey Business

SOPHIE THUN / THOMAS FREILER + Magazine Launch #128 (am 05.11.2024)
In this show, the photographic works of both artists enter into a dialog with each other and create space for reflection on the mostly “outside”, technical side of the medium. The sometimes hidden production process behind the analog technology becomes a motif in Sophie Thun and Thomas Freiler's work - be it through the “analysis or deconstruction of photographic images” (Freiler) or the physical inscription during the exposure process in the darkroom (Thun).
The artists' works are featured extensively in issue #128!
Sophie Thun / Thomas Freiler
as part of the ROTLICHT FESTIVAL
Opening: November 5, 2024 | 6 pm
Exhibition: November 6, 2024 - Feburary 7, 2025
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 to 6 pm | open 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Thomas Freiler, Clobus 02, 2011, from the series Case Studies

Midissage - Luise Marchand: Liquid Company (am 15.10.2024)
The exhibition Liquid Company by Luise Marchand deals with the transformation of the world of work through digitalization, globalization and the spread of new working models such as freelancing and crowdworking. On October 15, a new work created during Luise Marchand's residency at the MuseumsQuartier Wien will be added to the exhibition as part of a midissage.
You can find out more about the impressions gathered there in the artist's interview with Nela Eggenberger. Published in the MQ Journal. We look forward to your visit to the EIKON Schauraum.
Luise Marchand: Liquid Company
Midissage: October 15, 2024, 7 pm
Exhibition: September 6 - October 25, 2024
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | open 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Vienna, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

Luise Marchand. Liquid Company + Magazine Launch #127 (am 05.09.2024)
It’s hard to picture Vienna’s cityscape without the so-called “rider”: on bicycles, e-scooters or motor scooters, in bright jackets and carrying square backpacks, they deliver meals, groceries or medicine to our doorsteps within minutes. They are emblematic of a time in which traditional work structures are subject to change and which is characterized by digitalization, globalization and the rise of new work models such as freelancing, crowdworking and platform economy.
For Liquid Company, Luise Marchand accompanies gig workers and invites us to critically reflect on the conditions of labor and economic pressure to which we are exposed in a world increasingly driven by consumerism and profit. Thus, the invisible costs of our daily demeanor are questioned and the burdens that weight on the shoulders of those who too often remain unseen are told—whether through precarious jobs or the exploitation of natural resources.
A main feature is dedicated to the artist in EIKON #127.
Luise Marchand, lives and works in Berlin. Master student of Peter Piller and Peggy Buth at the HGB Leipzig, graduation: 2019. In Marchand’s artistic practice, her experience as an advertising photographer merges with a deep interest in the social and economic processes of our time. She’s currently an artist in residence at MuseumsQuartier Wien.
Luise Marchand: Liquid Company
Opening: September 5, 2024, 7 pm
Exhibition: September 6 – October 25, 2024
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | on view 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

MQ and EIKON welcome Luise Marchand as AiR (am 04.06.2024)
As part of the Artist-in-Residence program, the MuseumsQuartier Wien, together with EIKON - International Magazine for Photography and Media Art, invites Luise Marchand to live and work in a residential studio based in the cultural quarter from September 1 to October 31, 2024. With her project Liquid Company - Liquid Society, the artist was able to stand out from a total of 280 international applications in the open call. The artist residency includes a presentation of the work in the EIKON Schauraum from September to October 2024 as well as a main article on the artist in EIKON #127 (publication date: September 3, 2024).
Luise Marchand (lives and works in Berlin) deals with post-industrial society, capitalist value creation processes and the dynamics of the desire economy. Her starting point is always photography, which is strongly influenced by the aesthetics of advertising photography, which she applies formally and at the same time extends conceptually into the exhibition space. As a postgraduate student (Meisterschülerin) of Prof. Peter Piller and Prof. Peggy Buth, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst) in 2019.
Find more information about the MQ AiR here
Find more information about Luise Marchand here
Photo: Galerie K Strich

Manuel Gorkiewicz. In Camera (am 28.05.2024)
Amidst Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier, Manuel Gorkiewicz shows media that are used in both artistic and everyday contexts. Surrounded by museums with historical collections on the one hand, interventions by contemporary artists on the other, as well as a variety of leisure activities and gastronomic establishments, all competing for the attention of visitors, Gorkiewicz uses the EIKON Schauraum to initiate a discourse: He focuses on the everyday practices of photography and make-up and layers them into a palimpsest that unfolds parallels to abstract art in the context of the exhibition space.
In legal jargon, the Latin term “in camera” (literally “in the chamber”) refers to a procedure that takes place in private. At the same time, certain processes and filters in film and photo cameras are also called “in camera” if they are built directly into the device and not only applied during digital post-production. The exhibition takes up this duality of public and private spaces and explores the layering and overlapping of make-up and coloration, photographs and filters, digital and analogue reality.
A main feature is dedicated to the artist in EIKON #126.
Manuel Gorkiewicz. In Camera
Opening: May 28, 2024, 7pm
Exhibition: May 29 – August 18, 2024
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | on view 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

OPEN CALL: MQ Artist in Residence in cooperation with EIKON (am 22.04.2024)
As part of its Artist-in-Residence-Program, the MuseumsQuartier Vienna, together with EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art invites international artists to apply for a two-month artist residency (September 1st – October 31st 2024) in one of the living studios at MuseumsQuartier.
The open call is aimed at artists working within fine arts who focus on photography and media art. During the artist residency, the artist will realize an exhibition at the EIKON Schauraum at MuseumsQuartier.
Applicants must submit the following (max. 7 MB, English or German)
- Motivational letter
- Project proposal for a solo exhibition at the EIKON Schauraum including a sketch
- Biography (max. 2 pages)
- Portfolio that presents previous artistic works.
You can submit via e-mail competition@eikon.at until April 22nd 2024 (11:59 p.m., CET). Please note that incomplete or late submissions cannot be considered.
The awarded artist will be announced in May 2024, after the jury meeting. Members of the jury are Pia Draskovits (EIKON), Nela Eggenberger (EIKON), Verena Kaspar-Eisert (MuseumsQuartier Vienna)
Further information
EIKON Schauraum
Photo: Stefan Oláh, © MuseumsQuartier Wien

We are hiring: editor at EIKON (maternity leave replacement) (am 15.04.2024)
EIKON - International Magazine for Photography and Media Art is currently looking for an editor. Since speaking German is necessary, please feel free to check out our open call in German. The position is full-time and for the limited period June 17, 2024 - March 31, 2025.

Käthe Hager von Strobele. Midissage & Artist Talk (am 13.04.2024)
The exhibition is part of Immediate Matters at Klima Biennale Wien
As second part of the exhibition Käthe Hager von Strobele: Growing in the Dark, a possible future scenario is being designed on the occasion of Klima Biennale Wien regarding the current global situation: With the work Growbox, sprouts and seedlings taken from the public space are offered a closed system for survival indoors.
Käthe Hager von Strobele (born 1981 in Bolzano) studied Art and Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Eva Schlegel and Matthias Hermann) as well as Philosophy at the University of Vienna.
Growing in the Dark
The exhibition is part of Immediate Matters at Klima Biennale Wien
Opening: February 20, 2024 | 7 pm
Exhibition: February 21 – May 12, 2024
Midissage & Artist Talk: Sat, April 13, 6 pm
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | on view 24 hours a day
Extended opening hours during the Klima Biennale Vienna: April 6 – 28, 2024 | Wed to Sun 3 to 8 pm
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Käthe Hager von Strobele

Who’s Afraid of … Media Art? (am 17.03.2024)
“The screen is a window to the world and a board in front of the head at the same time: not opaque, not made of wood, but milk-glass-translucent, flat, but pretending depth,” wrote Urs Stahel (5 x 5. Photo Tracks, EIKON 2016) about Günther Selichar's artistic practice.
Ever since early works such as Who's Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? (1990), Günther Selichar has reflected on the presence and processes of electronic media and the representational modalities of photography. Starting with the series 325 FOTOGRAMM, 2003-2007/2023 (with Loredana Selichar), the most recent collaboration between the artist and EIKON, questions of materiality, media and abstraction are raised, as well as an outlook on the upcoming challenges of artistic production against the backdrop of new imaging processes.
Günther Selichar, born 1960 in Linz, lives and works and works in Vienna.
SPARK ART FAIR - Talk Program
Who's Afraid of ... Media Art?
With: Günther Selichar (media artist) and Nela Eggenberger (editor-in-chief of EIKON - International Magazine for Photography and Media Art)
When: 17.3.2024, 01:30 - 2:15 pm
Where: Globe Vienna, St. Marx Halle, Vienna
Photo: Günther and Loredana Selichar, 24 FOTOGRAMM, 2003-2007/20

EIKON Schauraum: Käthe Hager von Strobele + Heftpräsentation #125 (am 20.02.2024)
The exhibition is part of Immediate Matters at Klima Biennale Wien
Tropical nights in Europe are considered those too warm summer nights, in which temperatures don’t drop below 20-degree Celsius. Oftentimes, these nights come with bad sleep, physical discomfort, restlessness, sweating and the wish to take a cold shower this minute.
Local houseplants are mostly imported from the eponymous tropical areas and decorate our living spaces. As silent witnesses of colonization, they are continuously multiplied and only manage to thrive because of the particularly warm temperatures inside. After careful observation, the absurdity of the term “houseplant” becomes apparent. No plant is made for a life indoors. Numerous exotic species, when treated with good care, can survive many years, as they nearly grow in the dark.
What can we learn from our green housemates? How do they adapt to these inhospitable living conditions? What kind of coping mechanisms will humans require in a world that soon will be one, two or three degree Celsius hotter? Those and other questions, Käthe Hager von Strobele explores in “Growing in the Dark”.
A main feature is dedicated to the artist in EIKON #125.
Käthe Hager von Strobele (born 1981 in Bolzano) studied Art and Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Eva Schlegel and Matthias Hermann) as well as Philosophy at the University of Vienna.
Growing in the Dark
The exhibition is part of Immediate Matters at Klima Biennale Vienna
Opening: February 20, 2024 | 7 pm
Exhibition: February 21 – May 12, 2024
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | on view 24 hours a day
Extended opening hours during the Klima Biennale Wien: April 6 – 28, 2024 | Wed to Sun 3 to 8 pm
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Käthe Hager von Strobele, Nr. 1, 2024, from the series Growing in the Dark

EIKON Schauraum: Bastian Schwind + Magazine Launch EIKON #124 (am 07.11.2023)
The exhibition is part of Rotlicht Festival
“You can use this phrase when you want to indicate that there is no single right answer to a certain question or situation.” (AI-Feedback)
The question at hand is the question of photography. At what point can something be called photographic? That is, at what point do we leave or enter photographic spaces? Can photography be understood as a haptic medium? What is to be understood by the much invoked “drawing with light”? The exhibition up to interpretation is intended to raise these questions and challenges visitors to question their conception of photography.
Bastian Schwind’s works consciously break with the exactness and precision inherent in photography. He perceives photography as a playground for a wide variety of media and materials. Through fuzzy color cards, pasted poster sculptures, or dilettante lead glazing with photographic or photo-technical motifs, the photographic is playfully explored and put to the test again and again. The central question here is: how far can one go and still claim that it is photography? For all their translation and transformation, the works nevertheless always remain committed to the analog mode of operation.
A main feature is dedicated to the artist in EIKON #124. The issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibition.
Bastian Schwind (b. 1987) lives and works in Vienna. He studied in the photography class (Gabriele Rothemann) at the University of Applied Arts.
Bastian Schwind: up to interpretation
The exhibition is part of Rotlicht Festival
Opening: Nov 7, 2023 | 7 pm
Exhibition: Nov 8, 2023 – Feb 4, 2024
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | on view 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON Schauraum: Sabine Groschup + Magazine Launch #123 (am 05.09.2023)
Since 2020, Sabine Groschup has been focusing on the carelessly discarded and lost, photographing trash with her mobile phone. Groschup discovers more in these things than rubbish and traces the beauty in the supposedly ugly. According to this understanding, the pictures she posts almost daily on the Instagram account @daily_dirt_report add up to a narrative of their own, a kind of film or novel that knows neither beginning nor end. The carefully composed photos also vary through the multitude of backgrounds on which the objects are located.
Auf_allen_Wegen, eben presents a selection of the account @daily_dirt_report, which has now grown to over 800 photos, for the first time in the context of an exhibition. Two new projections - with a plastic bag dancing in the wind and an excitedly fluttering window covering as cinematic protagonists - complement the show on the poetry of our everyday waste.
A main feature is dedicated to the artist in EIKON #123. The issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibition.
Sabine Groschup. Auf_allen_Wegen, eben
Opening: Sept 5, 2023 | 7 pm
Exhibition: Sept 6 – Oct 25, 2023
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | on view 24 hours a day
Where: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Sabine Groschup, from the series #daily_dirt_report, since 2020

Photography between Art, Documentation and Activism in Belarus and Russia (am 17.07.2023)
A cooperation between MuseumsQuartier Wien, BMEIA, Ars Electronica and EIKON
The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has dramatically changed the situation for system-critical artists in the countries of Russia and Belarus: On the one hand, migration to the West is only possible with difficulty; on the other hand, living and working at home has now become unbearable.
The works of Lesia Pcholka (Belarus) and Sofia Mirolyubova (Russia) provide an insight into the world of repression, propaganda, but also of rebellion against the regimes of these countries. The two courageous young photographers have chosen to capture images of horror, suffering, standing up against oppression as well as conformism.
Their photographs are finding their way into the world of media, including the upcoming September issue of EIKON as part of the "State of the Art(ist)" project.
Lesia Pcholka was a fellow of the AiR program of MuseumsQuartier Wien in cooperation with BMEIA from December 2022 to January 2023.
For more information, see:
Photography between Art, Documentation and Activism in Belarus and Russia
Nela Eggenberger (Editor-in-Chief and Artistic Director EIKON) in conversation with Simon Mraz (Curator MuseumsQuartier Wien)
When: July 17, 2023, 7 pm
Where: MQ Summer Stage, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Lesia Pcholka, Minsk, August 2020

Questioning Queerness. Renate Bertlmann and Jürgen Klauke in conversation (am 04.06.2023)
+ + + UPDATE: Unfortunately, there will be no alternative date to the postponed talk, instead we are preparing a written interview for November issue EIKON #124 + + +
Renate Bertlmann and Jürgen Klauke have been dealing with the human body, sexual identity, and role stereotypes since the 1970s. On the occasion of the both artists’ eightieth birthdays, their early photographic work will be examined for its relevance today and bridges will be built to current debates, such as contemporary queer discourse.
The Politics of Images: Identitiy, Artist Talks Questioning Queerness
Renate Bertlmann and Jürgen Klauke in conversation
Moderation: Nela Eggenberger
Further information at: fotowien.at
Photo: Renate Bertlmann, from the series VERWANDLUNGEN, 1969

EIKON Schauraum: The Lying Lens + Magazine Launch #122 (am 01.06.2023)
Since the invention of photography, we know about the diverse manipulation possibilities of the medium. The methods of image processing, for example, have since developed in parallel with advances in technology, from analog photo retouching in the darkroom to the digital diffuser of Photoshop. Due to new phenomena such as artificial intelligence, which is increasingly being used to generate images, questions about the authenticity of image content are more topical than ever.
The discussion about the veracity of the photographic image has actually become obsolete since the advent of postmodernism. With the end of the 1960s and the increasing “incredulity toward metanarratives” (Jean-François Lyotard), it became clear that there is no reality per se, but only a wide range of truths that are not controlled by a central authority, but by the plurality of the many.
On the occasion of FOTO WIEN 2023 and this year’s festival focus Photography Lies / The Lies of Photography, students from three important educational institutions for photography in Vienna are developing new works that deal with aspects of this topic.
Parallel to the exhibition, a festival catalog is published by Steidl Verlag with EIKON’s (intentionally subjective) glossary on image manipulation, which complements the show.
The latest issue EIKON #122 will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
The Lying Lens: A Selective Glossary of Image Manipulation
With works by: Jamile Azadfallah, Costanza Brandizzi, Dominik Buda, Josefine Ehs, Anastasiia Fashchevska, Eginhartz Kanter, Minjae Kim, Matthias Köck, Katharina Liatskaia, Isabella Andrea Pacher, Ismael Picker-Schiebel, Valentin Schörghuber, Nicole Toferer, Peter Walde & Carlo Zappella, Lily Zlotover
Exhibition: June 2 – August 20, 2023, Thu and Fri from 2 pm to 6 pm
Opening: June 1, 2023 | 6 p.m.
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Exhibition concept by EIKON | Thanks to: Michael Höpfner, Judith Pichlmüller
Photo: Jamile Azadfallah

Catalog FOTO WIEN (am 01.06.2023)
A publication will accompany the anniversary edition of FOTO WIEN in June 2023: The 200-page catalog is published by Steidl Verlag Göttingen and will contain contributions from all program partners, including the professional periodicals Camera Austria International, Fotogeschichte and EIKON.
EIKON has developed a glossary of image manipulation under the title The Lying Lens: The vocabulary, which is deliberately subjective, makes no claim to completeness. The 89 terms listed can also be found in the exhibition of the same name, which can be seen during FOTO WIEN in the EIKON Schauraum from June 1 to August 20.
The catalog can be purchased at the program partners of FOTO WIEN 2023, including EIKON.

KunstMatt by EIKON (am 26.04.2023)
The TV show KunstMatt by EIKON is a cooperation of the Art Institute Vienna with R9 and EIKON. In personal interviews, Gerald Matt speaks with selected protagonists of the art world - including artists, gallerists, curators, critics, collectors, and many more - who are sometimes also the subject of the current issue of EIKON. In this way, a broad public is offered current insights into Vienna's exciting art scene.
The new co-production aires every last Sunday of the month at 4:30 p.m. on R9 Regional TV Austria and online at artinstitutevienna.at and youtube.com/@artinstitutevienna.

EIKON Office Relocation (am 06.03.2023)
Dear EIKON readers and friends,
Please note that due to our office relocation, we currently do not have a landline connection. In urgent matters, please send us an email and we will call you back. From March 20 onwards you can find us in our new location in Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1/4/2, 1070 Vienna, and we can be reached again under the usual telephone number 0043 1 597 70 88.
With warm regards,
Your team at EIKON

EIKON Schauraum: Vuk Cuk + Magazine Launch #121 (am 23.02.2023)
In cooperation with Eugster || Belgrade
Powered by the Ministry of Culture (Republic of Serbia)
Everything is immersive multimedia installation, consisting out of prints, video works and kinetic and static sculptures. In recent years, the Serbian artist’s research was based on discovering and identifying absurd and mass-produced objects that have been sold internationally via AliExpress – the online selling platform that offers cheap and most often low-quality products. In this installation at the EIKON Schauraum he tries to expose and present all these discovered objects in one place, raising questions of their necessity and impact that their production has on our everyday lives.
Vuk Ćuk (born 1987) is a visual artist based in Belgrade, Serbia. He is interested in how capitalist logic, trends and technology shape both the human and natural world, examining new ways of living in the contemporary society. He works across various media, such as sculpture (kinetic and static), installations, drawing, digital art and painting. His work was shown at Sequence Art Festival, Marshall House in Reykjavik, Iceland (2019), 57th Belgrade Biennale, Serbia (2018), China Art Museum in Shanghai (2017), Sugarcube Festival in New York (2016) and Taiyuan Scultpure Symposium, Taiyuan, China (2016).
A main feature in the latest issue EIKON #121 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
For further information see vukcuk.com
Vuk Ćuk: Everything
Opening: February 23, 2023, 7 pm
Exhibition: February 24 – May 14, 2023
Opening hours: Thu and Fri from 2 pm to 6pm | on view 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: VUK ĆUK

EIKON back issues for free (am 06.02.2023)
Due to the relocation of our editorial office, we unfortunately have to sort out some EIKON issues: Numerous back issues are available for free! They can be found at MuseumsQuartier Wien: At the EIKON Schauraum (Thu-Fri 2-6pm), at eSeL (Mon-Thu,noon-6pm) and at monochrom (Mon-Sun, 10am-6pm).
We hope you'll enjoy the read!

EIKON New Year (am 16.01.2023)
We cordially invite you to our traditional EIKON New Year’s Reception following the artist talk with Markus Krottendorfer:
Together, let’s celebrate the last year and toast to 2023 at our editorial office!
EIKON New Year’s Reception
When: Monday, January 16, 2023, at 6 pm
Where: EIKON editorial office, Q21, MuseumsQuartier Wien, cultural offices, 1. floor, Museumsplatz 1/e-1.6, 1070 Vienna

Artist Talk: Markus Krottendorfer (am 16.01.2023)
On the occasion of the exhibition in the EIKON Schauraum, an artist talk with Markus Krottendorfer will take place on January 16, 2023 at 5 pm to provide a deeper insight into the works presented: The series on display, Phantom of the Poles (since 2012), refers to the 1906 publication of the same name by William Reeds and deals with the complex relationship between reality and fiction.
The artist talk will be followed by a New Year's Reception in the EIKON editorial office.
Artist Talk: Markus Krottendorfer
When: Monday, Jan 16, 2023, at 5 pm
Where: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON Schauraum: Markus Krottendorfer + Magazine Launch #120 (am 08.11.2022)
Markus Krottendorfer's photographic practice moves at the interface between the documentary and the fictional, consistently exploring the boundaries to utilitarian photography. His current series Phantom of the Poles (since 2012) focuses on the conflict surrounding controversial narratives of historical realities and world views. The title refers to William Reeds' publication of the same name, published in 1906. In his book, Reeds assumes that the interior of the Earth is hollow and that within it is a world of its own with oceans, volcanoes, and waterfalls. Reeds assumes that the entrances to this "underworld" are at the two polar caps. Krottendorfer traces this hypothesis by seeking out various entrances at remote locations and documenting them photographically: glaciers, mountain peaks, underground waterways, and cave systems. By means of seductive aesthetics, the artist deceives, manipulates, and awakens our desires, misleading us as viewers. In doing so, he exposes the problematic nature of the documentary and its political dimension—who constructs our view of the world?
Markus Krottendorfer (born 1976 in Vienna), lives and works in Vienna. After completing his education at the Friedl Kubelka School of Artistic Photography Vienna, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in the class of Eva Schlegel and Josephine Pryde. Since 2001 he has shown his work internationally in numerous solo and group exhibitions and published several artist books. His new book Terminal will soon be published by FOTOHOF edition. The artist's work will be presented parallel to this exhibition in EIKON #120 with a text by Thomas Edlinger.
A main feature in the latest issue EIKON #120 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
For further information see markuskrottendorfer.com
Markus Krottendorfer
Opening: November 8, 2022, 7 pm
Exhibition: November 9, 2022 – February 10, 2023
Opening hours: Thu and Fri from 2 pm to 6pm | on view 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: MARKUS KROTTENDORFER, Glacier Surface I, 2022, from the series Phantom of the Poles, C-print, 100 x 80 cm

EIKON celebrates Ü-30: A successful festivity under the motto of photography (am 28.09.2022)
After the 30th anniversary celebration in autumn 2021 could not take place due to Covid, EIKON - International Magazine for Photography and Media Art celebrated its 31st anniversary yesterday, September 28, 2022, in an invited circle at the Klimt-Foundation. Numerous guests, in particular artists associated with EIKON, authors, long-time and loyal companions and cooperation partners, came together to reminisce about the past and plan for the future.
Peter Weinhäupl from the Klimt-Foundation welcomed the 100 invited guests, introduced the Klimt-Database, which has just gone online, and emphasized the good and long-standing cooperation with EIKON. Founding editor and long-time art gallery and museum director Carl Aigner reviewed the more than three intensive and experience-filled decades from his point of view and thanked Peter Weinhäupl and Sandra Tretter for their generous hospitality. Chief editor Nela Eggenberger reported on what additional tasks EIKON has taken on over the years in addition to the magazine's main task and introduced the latest edition EIKON by internationally renowned collage artist Sergei Sviatchenko. Since 1991, the specialized periodical EIKON has offered a quarterly average of 100 pages of in-depth articles in German and English alongside extensive photo spreads. Since 1995, the EIKON edition has offered hand-signed and numbered original photographs by renowned and emerging artists such as Sissa Micheli, Walter Niedermayr, Eva Schlegel, Elfie Semotan and Erwin Wurm in limited editions. The editorial staff of EIKON - currently consisting of Pia Draskovits, Nela Eggenberger and Helena Lang - and the comprehensive, publicly accessible specialist library with over 5,000 titles have been based in Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien since 2002. The EIKON Schauraum, which was adapted in 2020 according to plans by BWM Architekten, also offers the opportunity to experience contemporary photography and media art with a changing exhibition program and free admission. Over the decades, EIKON has grown on several levels into a presentation platform for Austrian and international photo and media artists.
The numerous guests of honor, including Gunda Achleitner (Wien Museum), Iris Andraschek (artist), Irene Andessner (artist), Natascha Auenhammer (ZEBRA), Peter Baum (doyen of Austrian photography, former Director of Lentos), Johannes Deutsch (artist), Berthold Ecker (Wien Museum), Sebastian Gansrigler (Auslöser, OFF GRID), Christian Gmeiner (EIKON Board), Markus Guschelbauer (artist), Verena Kaspar-Eisert (MQ Vienna), Sophie Haslinger (Kunst Haus Wien), Felix Hoffmann (Foto Arsenal Vienna), Ruth Horak (freelance author), Silvia Jaklitsch (Verlag für moderne Kunst), Herbert Justnik (Volkskundemuseum Wien), Herwig Kempinger (artist, former. President of the Secession), Christiane Kuhlmann (Heidi Horten Collection), Estefanía Landesmann (artist), Rudolf Leeb (gallery owner), Bettina Leidl (MQ Vienna), Paul Albert Leitner (artist), Felix Leutner (Foto Leutner), Thomas Licek (eyes on), Edgar Lissel (artist), Anja Manfredi (artist, School Friedl Kubelka for Artistic Photography), Roland Neugebauer (MAZARS), Olga Okunev (BMKÖS), Lara Pan (freelance curator), Paul Pibernig (OFF GRID), Gerald Piffl (IMAGNO), Katharina Prerovsky (Office of the Lower Austrian Government), Maria Rennhofer (freelance author, formerly of Ö1), Didi Sattmann (photographer), Walter Seidl (freelance author and curator), Günther Selichar (artist), Marielis Seyler (artist), Andrea Winklbauer (Jewish Museum Vienna), Robert Zahornicky (artist) and many more celebrated with the editorial team until late into the night and provided for an inspiring evening.
© EIKON / apa-fotoservice / Peter Hautzinger

EIKON sub special (am 11.09.2022)
Ring in the new season with EIKON: Spontaneous photo enthusiasts can try out a trial subscription until the end of the year for a special price! The offer starts with hot-off-the-press EIKON issue #119 and is valid until September 11, 2022.
Austria: € 30,-
International: € 36,-
Prices incl. VAT and shipping
We look forward to receiving your order by e-mail to office@eikon.at (subject: TEST-SUBSCRIPTION).

Q21 Artist-in-Residence: And the winner is … Estefanía Landesmann! (am 01.09.2022)
As part of the Q21 Artist-in-Residence program, artist Estefanía Landesmann was able to secure a studio space at MuseumsQuartier Wien for September 2022.
Jury-Statement: “Out of 84 received applications from over 23 countries the project proposed for realization in Vienna by Estefanía Landesmann (born 1983 in Buenos Aires, lives and works in Berlin since 2018) was the most convincing. One of Estefanía Landesmann’s means of artistic expression is photography, whose characteristics she explores not only as a medium of representation but also in its materiality. As a former Spanish colony Landesmann’s home country Argentina has been significantly influenced by the European cultural landscape to this day – a circumstance that became especially evident for the artist after moving to Berlin. She would like to use her one-month residency in Vienna to examine different forms of institutional display and to critically investigate historically developed constructions of culture.”
The jury consisted of Elisabeth Hajek, artistic director of the Q21 Artist-in-Residence program, Pia Draskovits, EIKON editor and Nela Eggenberger, EIKON editor-in-chief and artistic director.
For further information regarding the Q21/MQ Artist-in-Residence program click here.
Photo: Estefanía Landesmann

EIKON Schauraum: Sinta Werner + Magazine Launch EIKON #119 (am 01.09.2022)
Korrektur der Gegenbewegung (Correction of Countermovement) deals with the spatial perception of the big city in motion. Impressions of the fragmentary and fleeting emerge, as they are familiar from transit situations. The view from a moving car through grid structures transforms the passing facades into rushing disturbing images. In passing, the view of blinds behind reflecting shop windows evokes images of urban flickering. The graphic structure of the Novotel in Vienna, shot on camera from a train, is translated into rhythmic architectural fragments. Repetitive sequences that evoke vibrating and pulsating patterns and overwhelm the eye are reminiscent of visual means of Op-Art. The spatial understanding of the specifically urban is characterized by the notion of flow and acceleration. Through the twisting of the stripes the flatness of the photographic medium is broken up and translated into a spatial and at the same time cinematic structure.
At the EIKON Schauraum, Sinta Werner has developed a site-specific work that responds to the special situation of the showcase-like exhibition space. Through the passage, the work is perceived as it passes by: The changing viewpoint activates the three-dimensional photographic work and makes it appear as a moving image. The movement of the spectator alongside the image responds to the strolling of the passer-by in the urban space and interprets the aggregate state of the city as flow and acceleration.
Sinta Werner was Q21-Artist in Residence at the MuseumsQuartier Wien in March 2020 and August 2022. A main feature in the latest issue EIKON #119 is dedicated to the artist.
This issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
Sinta Werner (b. 1977 in Hattingen, Germany) studied at weissensee school of art and design and UDK in Berlin, at Hunter College, New York, and at Goldsmiths College, London. She lives and works in Berlin.
Sinta Werner
Korrektur der Gegenbewegung
Opening: September 1, 2022, 7 pm
Exhibition: September 2 – October 30, 2022
Opening hours: Thu and Fri from 2 pm to 6pm | on view 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 Schauräume / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Sinta Werner, Korrektur der Gegenbewegung II, 2015

Performance: Vanja was here (am 04.08.2022)
The performance will take place as part of Anastasiia Yakovenko's exhibition of the same name.
Since the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, more and more cases of rape committed by Russian soldiers have been recorded in the country. Anastasiia Yakovenko explores the questions of who is allowed to speak about sexual attacks, what remains unsaid and how the victims can deal with these crimes. She does not only want to draw the attention of the European public to these war crimes, but also to motivate the victims to seek psychological help and support.
During the performance donations for the recovery project Unbreakable mom by the Masha Fund will be collected. The project helps not only victims of sex crimes, but all women and kids in Ukraine who are suffering from a war trauma like losing loved ones, losing their homes or witnessing violence.
Anastasiia Yakovenko (b.1998 in Poltava, Ukraine) worked at the Theatre of Modern Dialogue (Ukrainian “Театр Сучасного Діалогу”) in Poltava. In 2021 she discovered photography as an artistic expression for herself. Anastasiia Yakovenko currently studies communication science in Vienna.
Anastasiia Yakovenko. Vanja was here
In collaboration with Freiraum Ukraine
Performance: August 4, 2022, 6 pm
Location: Forecourt of MuseumsQuartier Wien (next to the entrance of the Q21 Schauräume), Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Exhibition: June 15 to August 21, 2022 | EIKON Schauraum
For more information on the exhibition, go here.
Photo © Anastasiia Yakovenko

OPEN CALL: Q21 Artist-in-Residence (am 20.07.2022)
The Q21 Artist-in-Residence program at MuseumsQuartier Vienna is an international artist studio program, financed in cooperation with partners. Every year, up to 80 international artists from abroad are invited to live and to work for one to two months through the studio program at Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien. During this time, projects with the Q21 cultural initiatives will be established.
As an institution of the Q21, EIKON is pleased to invite an artist focused on photography / media art to attend for September 2022. Applications (including a motivation letter explaining the relevance of a residency in Vienna, CV and portfolio - not more than 5 MB in total) can be sent to office@eikon.at. Deadline for the application is July 20, 2022.
The artist selected by EIKON will receive a free studio for residential and working purposes as well as a monthly scholarship in the amount of 1.050 Euro.
More information on the Q21 Artist-in-Residence program at MuseumsQuartier Wien can be found here.
Photo © Q21 (Artist-in-Residence Studio 513)

EIKON Schauraum: Anastasiia Yakovenko (am 14.06.2022)
An exhibition in collaboration with Freiraum Ukraine
Since the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, more and more cases of rape committed by Russian soldiers have been recorded in the country—on social media, in the press and in NGO reports. Anastasiia Yakovenko dedicates her exhibition to this aspect of the current war, while exploring the questions of who is allowed to speak about sexual attacks, what remains unsaid and how the victims can deal with these crimes. Shaped by the performing arts, she uses the photographic medium as an instrument to translate difficult narratives into artistic images. In her imagery, Yakovenko refers to the feminist group FEMEN, but shows the visual protest of a new generation.
The title of the exhibition “Vanja was here” (Russian “Тут был Ваня”) is borrowed from an inscription at Liechtenstein Castle in Maria Enzersdorf. The building was located in the Soviet zone during the occupation of Austria from 1945 to 1955, when Russian soldiers scribbled “Petya/ Vasya/ Vanja was here” on the doors of the castle. Vanja—one of the most common male first names in Russia—is now synonymous with the perpetrators. With “Vanja was here”, Yakovenko not only wants to draw the attention of the European public to these war crimes, but also to motivate the victims to seek psychological help and support.
As part of the exhibition, donations for the recovery project Unbreakable mom by the Masha Fund will be collected. The project helps not only victims of sex crimes, but all women and kids in Ukraine who are suffering from a war trauma like losing loved ones, losing their homes or witnessing violence
Anastasiia Yakovenko (b.1998 in Poltava, Ukraine) worked at the Theatre of Modern Dialogue (Ukrainian “Театр Сучасного Діалогу”) from 2015 to 2021 in Poltava, where she realized many projects in the fields of discrimination, migration and corruption as well as the annexation of Crimea. In 2021 she discovered photography as an artistic expression for herself. Anastasiia Yakovenko currently studies communication science in Vienna.
Anastasiia Yakovenko. Vanja was here
An exhibition in collaboration with Freiraum Ukraine
Opening: June 14, 2022, 7 pm
Exhibition: June 15 to August 21, 2022
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | visible 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON Schauraum: Tomoko Kawai + Magazine Launch EIKON #118 (am 24.05.2022)
Tomoko Kawai is a Japanese artist living in Berlin. Kawai examines human nature through photographic acts, interdisciplinary activities and fieldwork in urban and natural environments. Kawai’s project evolved from her long-standing investigation of the human-nature relationship as well as photographing zoological gardens and the alienated spaces we humans build for animals. The exhibition “Becoming Animals. It animates me, and I animate it” focuses on animals, the self and images, seeking a way to reconnect with the natural world by evoking estranged relationships.
Tomoko Kawai graduated from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. From 2017 to 2018, she participated in the International Studio Program at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin. Her latest book Intimacy of Paradise, published in 2021 by Verlag für moderne Kunst in Vienna, received silver in German Photo Book Award (Deutscher Fotobuchpreis) 2021/22.
A main feature in the latest issue EIKON #118 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
Due to unforeseen circumstances the exhibition is cancelled.
The launch of EIKON #118 nevertheless takes place at the EIKON editorial office on May 24, 2022 from 7-8 pm.
Tomoko Kawai
Becoming Animals. It animates me, and I animate it
Opening: May 24, 2022, 7 pm
Exhibition: May 25 to August 21, 2022 | open: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | visible 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
With kind support of Nomura Foundation | Nomura Art Prize, Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku), Schönbrunn Zoo and Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

From March 9 to 27, 2022, the Austrian capital will once again be under the sign of the FOTO WIEN festival, with more than 140 exhibitions and around 300 events. In various museums, art halls, educational institutions, galleries as well as project spaces, the festival gives the insight into the broad photographic spectrum.
On the occasion of FOTO WIEN we are pleased to offer you our popular EIKON subscription special at reduced rates for new subscribers until April 17.
EIKON subscription special 2022 (4 issues, D / E):
Austria: € 60,00 -> € 50,00
International: € 72,00 -> € 60,00
Students up to 26:
Austria: € 30,00 -> € 25,00
Europe: € 40,00 -> € 33,00
We look forward to receiving your order by e-mail to office@eikon.at (subject: FOTO WIEN Sub).

Carl Aigner receives honorary title of professor (am 31.03.2022)
Congratulations to EIKON founder Carl Aigner on being awarded the honorary title of „professor“ on occasion of his exceptional achievements for the Republic of Austria.
The honorary title was conferred by the Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport (Federal Ministry for Art, Culture, Civil Service and Sport). The festive ceremony took place on March 31, 2022 at Künstlerhaus Wien (Vienna), the laudatory speech was held by Reinhold Hohengartner.

Talk on the occasion of the exhibition "Picturing Nature" (am 12.03.2022)
On the occasion of the group show “Picturing Nature. A Spotlight on the SpallArt Collection” and FOTO WIEN, both historical and current photographic positions are on display in EIKON Schauraum. In the context of the exhibition, EIKON is hosting a talk with the collector Andra Spallart and Christoph Fuchs to allow deeper insights in the presented works. The talk will be held in German.
When: March 12, 2022, 11:00 am & 12:00 am | FFP2 mask*)
Where: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
*) The event will take place in compliance with the current COVID-19 regulations.
Picturing Nature
A Spotlight on the SpallArt Collection
Participating artists: Ansel Adams, Herbert Bayer, Adrian Bischoff, Théodore Blanc & Antoine Demilly, Karl Blossfeldt, Robert Bodnar, Harry Callahan, Lucien Clergue, William Edward Dassonville, Constantin Ettingshausen & Alois Pokorny, Ernst Haas, Sanna Kannisto, Fabian Knecht, Hans Kupelwieser, Edgar Lissel, Elfriede Mejchar, Aaron Siskind, Thomas Struth, Wouter Verbeylen, Brett Weston, Hans Wetzelsdorfer, Minor White and Robert Zahornicky
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Duration: February 25 to May 8, 2022
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | visible 24 hours a day
Photo: Sanna Kannisto, Oporornis formosus (Kentucky warbler, North America), 2010

Picturing Nature. A Spotlight on the SpallArt Collection (am 24.02.2022)
Depictions of landscape and nature have been inextricably linked to the medium of photography since its inception—from Joseph Nicéphore Niépce’s Blick aus dem Arbeitszimmer (View from the Study) to Anna Atkins’ British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions and Karl Blossfeldt’s Urformen der Kunst (Archetypes of Art). Used both for scientific documentation purposes and in the visual arts as a means of artistic expression, the ambiguity of photography becomes particularly evident in the genre of nature representation.
Andra Spallart has been collecting photographs and video works since the 1980s, and her SpallArt Collection now includes over 2,500 works, ranging from historical objects to international icons to recent discoveries. The focus of the collection is on contemporary, photographic positions from Austria, which is set in relation to classics of American and European photographic art as well as to more recent works from the European environment. The themes of nature and scientific documentation form a major focus of SpallArt.
On the occasion of FOTO WIEN, EIKON takes a look at the collection and makes selected treasures, most of them safely stored in the depot, now accessible to a larger audience. For “Picturing Nature. A Spotlight on the SpallArt Collection,” works by contemporary artists such as Elfriede Mejchar and Edgar Lissel are juxtaposed with classics, including Karl Blossfeldt, demonstrating the broad spectrum in which a photographic exploration of the fragile as well as vital relationship between humans and nature can take place.
With works by: Ansel Adams, Herbert Bayer, Adrian Bischoff, Théodore Blanc & Antoine Demilly, Karl Blossfeldt, Robert Bodnar, Harry Callahan, Lucien Clergue, William Edward Dassonville, Constantin Ettingshausen & Alois Pokorny, Ernst Haas, Sanna Kannisto, Fabian Knecht, Hans Kupelwieser, Edgar Lissel, Elfriede Mejchar, Aaron Siskind, Thomas Struth, Wouter Verbeylen, Brett Weston, Hans Wetzelsdorfer, Minor White and Robert Zahornicky
Biographies of the participating artists: https://www.sammlung-spallart.at/en/artists/
Picturing Nature
A Spotlight on the SpallArt Collection
Opening: February 24, 2022, 7 pm
Duration: February 25 to May 8, 2022
Opening hours: Thu and Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm | visible 24 hours a day
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Karl Blossfeldt, Carex grayi. Riedgras, Segge. Fruchtform in 5-facher Vergrößerung from the book Wundergarten der Natur
around 1900/1928, heliogravure, 26,8 x 20,4 cm
Courtesy: SpallArt Collection

EIKON Schauraum: Library to go: 30 Years of EIKON + Magazine Launch EIKON #116 (am 23.11.2021)
Once EIKON was founded with the hopeful goal of lasting not less than 5 years, but see what happened: Now we are 30! To carry the success of our persistance out into the world, we present an exclusive “library to go” in the EIKON Schauraum on the occasion of our anniversary. This not only offers an overview of our publishing activities to date—there is also a lot to win: Those who spin our wheel of fortune in the company of EIKON founder and “showmaster” Carl Aigner can look forward to various prizes from our publishing repertoire and thus take home a piece of EIKON history.
The latest EIKON issue #116 will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
Library to go: 30 Years of EIKON
Soft Opening: 13.01.2022, 2-6 pm
Exhibition: November 24, 2021 – February 13, 2022
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 Schauräume / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien

30 Years of EIKON at PARIS PHOTO (am 12.11.2021)
On the occasion of EIKON’s 30th anniversary the quarterly “International Magazine for Photography and Media Art” will organize a casual get-together with contributors and artists within the frame of PARIS PHOTO: Meet and greet the editors and their friends like Stéphane Couturier, Arno Gisinger and Abigail Solomon-Godeau, browse through the most recent issues and order your special anniversary subscription.
30 Years of EIKON at PARIS PHOTO (Media Lounge Programme)
When: November 12, 2—4:30 pm
Where: Media Launch, Grand Palais Éphémère, Avenue Pierre Loti, 75007 Paris
Please find further information here.

EIKON Schauraum: Alan Butler + Magazine Launch EIKON #115 (am 02.09.2021)
In his new solo exhibition at the EIKON Schauraum, Alan Butler explores the materiality of digital objects from simulated worlds through modes of traditional photography and lens based media. This examination is build upon an existing body of work that combines photography and video games. The works features play with the different levels of image-making through moving image, sculpture, analog photography and machine learning algorithms. Each of the works attempts to transpose the flatness of computer simulations into three dimensional art objects and the physical architecture of the gallery space.
A main feature in the latest issue EIKON #115 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
In 2020 Alan Butler (born 1981 in Ireland) won the Q21 viennacontemporary Artist-in-Residence Prize in cooperation with EIKON.
Participation in numerous international exhibitions, currently Refuge, Green on Red Gallery, Dublin; How to Win at Photography. Image-Making as Play, Fotomuseum Winterthur; Open World. Video Games and Contemporary Art, Oklahoma Contemporary, et al. He is the co-curator of the Irish Pavilion at the 17th Biennale Architettura 2021, Venice, Italy.
Alan Butler. Ein Vorbild bildendes Abbild eines Bildes
Opening: September 2, 2021, 7 pm | mask & entry testing (tested, vaccinated or recovered)
Exhibition: September 3 – October 24, 2021, screening: Mo to Wed, 11am – 4pm | open: Thu and Fr, 2pm – 6pm
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 Schauräume / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo © Alan Butler

EIKON Schauraum: Susanna Flock + Magazine Launch EIKON #114 (am 17.06.2021)
With a playful and associative approach, Susanna Flock investigates within the media photography, moving image, and installation the traces that technologies are leaving in every aspect of our lives.
In her recent work she focuses on the unholy triad of property, performance and accumulation, illuminating their interaction on contemporary, digital worlds.
A main feature in the latest issue EIKON #114 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched during the opening of the exhibtion.
Susanna Flock graduated 2015 from the Kunstuniversität Linz and 2017 from the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien. She is a member of the artist collective Total Refusal.
Exhibitions (selection): Kunstraum Niederösterreich (Wien, 2021), Titanik Gallery (Turku, 2020), BB15 (Linz, 2020), Sporobole art center (Sherbrooke, 2019), EKA Galerii (Tallinn 2017) Neue Galerie (Graz 2017)
Scholarships (selection): Pixel, Bytes und Film scholarship (2020), Viktor-Fogarassy-Prize (2019), Residency at the Rote Fabrik Zürich (2019), starter scholarship for media art of the BKA Österreich (2018), scholarship of the Akademie Schloss Solitude Stuttgart (2018)
Susanna Flock
Opening: June 17, 2021, 7 pm | FFP2 mask & entry testing (tested, vaccinated or recovered)
Exhibition: June 18–June 22, 2021, open Thu and Fri from 2 pm to 6pm
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 Schauräume / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo © Susanna Flock

Anniversary subscription 2021 (am 06.03.2021)
In 2021 we celebrate 30 years of EIKON! We decided to “celebrate (in) print” and to transfer the party into the magazine itself. With this anniversary special we welcome you to celebrate with us throughout the year.
Every new subscriber in 2021 receives a surprise with the first issue!
Anniversary subscription
4 issues + a surprise!
Austria 60 € | International 72 €
Students (up to age 26): Austria: 30 € | Europe 40 €
Please send your orders to office@eikon.at!
Photo © EIKON / Léa Stückelschweiger

Markus Guschelbauer. Symbols & Signs (am 05.03.2021)
The theme of landscape and its representation in the visual arts as well as the theoretical discourse on nature, form the main concerns in Markus Guschelbauer's artistic practice. In his photographs, Guschelbauer places artificial objects—mostly simple graphic elements or geometric shapes—in natural landscapes, therefore creating a moment of abstraction and irritation in the perception of our environment. The basic forms of the resulting photographs double the monochrome center and thus become signs themselves, oscillating between index, icon and symbol. In the serial arrangement the photographs merge into a complex system of signs and debate landscape space, identity and the appropriation of nature.
A main feature in the latest issue EIKON #113 is dedicated to the artist.
Markus Guschelbauer (born 1974 in Friesach, lives and works in Vienna) studied at the Institute for Visual and Media Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. He has been working as a freelance artist since 2009 with photography, video and installation works. His first monograph Territory was published by Fotohof in 2020.
Exhibitions (selection): Photon Gallery, Vienna (2020), Galeria Posibila, Bucharest (2019), Kjerringoy Land Art Biennale, Kjerringoy (2018), MMKK Klagenfurt (2017), Volkskunde-museum, Graz (2016) ACF, London (2015), Strathmore Fine Arts, North Bethesda (2013)
Residencies (selection): Cultureland, Amsterdam (2018), Montello Foundation, Nevada (2017), 108residency, Upstate NY (2016), BaerArtCenter, Iceland (2015).
Markus Guschelbauer. Symbols & Signs
Exhibition: March 5, 2021 – May 28, 2021 | on view 24h a day
Opening Hours: Thu and Fri from 2pm to 6 pm
Artist talk: check out the artist talk here!
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 Schauräume / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON X-MAS Special: 4 + 1 for free! (am 19.11.2020)
Subscribe now to take advantage of our holiday rate and get one additional issue of your choice for free!
Valid for all orders until December 18, 2020, the special is also available for gift subscriptions: the perfect gift for photo enthusiasts and media art nerds!
In addition EIKON subscribers get discounts at our cooperation partners like KUNST HAUS WIEN, Foto Leutner or Galerie WestLicht.
EIKON X-MAS Special: 4 + 1 for free!
Austria: 60 € | International: 72 €
Students (up to age 26): Austria: 30 € | Europe: 40 €
Please order your EIKON X-MAS Special via mail (office@eikon.at) and state which issue you'd like to receive for free!
If no issue is mentioned, you'll receive the latest issue EIKON #112.
Photo © EIKON / Carmen Alber

EIKON Schauraum: In Search of Lost Time (am 13.11.2020)
Towards the end of the year, EIKON presents a selection of editions based on the literary universe of Marcel Proust. In the many quiet moments in times of a pandemic, it provides grand stories about love, illness, war, transience and death and invites us to contemplate about the subjective construct of temporality and memory. Art is conceived as a vital and veritable access to real life.
With works by: Georg Aerni, Christoph Dahlhausen, Peter Dressler, Thomas Florschuetz, Annabelle Fürstenau, Jürgen Klauke, Sigrid Kurz, Paul Albert Leitner, Ángel Marcos, Sissa Micheli, Gregor Neuerer, Klaus Pichler, Arnulf Rainer, Simona Rota, Eva Schlegel, Michael Strasser, Andrea Witzmann and Erwin Wurm
Edition EIKON comprises limited editions of signed and numbered original photographs by renowned and emerging artists. The aim of this initiative is to offer quality works of art at affordable prices, and to thereby familiarize more art lovers—particularly young generations—with photography and to encourage them to collect.
In Search of Lost Time
An Anthology of Edition EIKON
Exhibition: November 13, 2020 – February 14, 2021| on view 24/7
Opening Hours: from Dec 10, 2020 Thu and Fri from 2pm to 6 pm
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

ab_bilden (am 29.09.2020)
Extended until June 18, 2021!
Watch a video about the exhibition here (german only)
The group exhibition ab_bilden (de_pict) addresses the architecture of the Austrian Embassy in Berlin, which was designed by Hans Hollein and completed at the turn of the millennium. In their photo and video works, the artists invited by the magazine EIKON in cooperation with Jan Stradtmann describe the state of the building and trace the postmodern spirit of the 1990s in different ways.
Common to all three photographers is their decoding of architecture as an enclosed space. Hollein’s statement that ‘a real architecture of our time is [. . .] about to redefine itself as a medium and to expand the range of its means’ is transferred here to photography: the works presented go beyond their mere status as representative image and break new ground both in terms of medium and technique.
Artists involved: Gregor Eggenberger, Claudia Larcher, Sinta Werner
With the kind support by: State Government of Vorarlberg, Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin
In collaboration with: Architekturzentrum Vienna/ Sammlung, EMOP Berlin – European Month of Photography, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien
When: Sept 30, 2020 – June 18, 2021
Opening hours: Mon to Fri 1 to 4pm, obligatory pre-registration via kulturforumberlin.at
Where: Austrian Cultural Forum, Austrian Embassy Berlin, Stauffenbergstraße 1, 10785 Berlin
Image: Gregor Eggenberger, Richard Feigen, 2020
from the series Acute-Matte

EIKON Schauraum: Laura Schawelka. Vicarious + Magazine Launch EIKON #110/111 (am 23.09.2020)
With her film and photo installations, Laura Schawelka creates a captivating remix combining excerpts of our mediatized present. In the process of perpetually layering the virtual and the analog, she generates hybrids oscillating between moving and still image, between digital coolness and tactile sensuality, between commodity fetishism and food porn―a world so oddly satisfying one can hardly resist.
Laura Schawelka (b.1988, lives and works in Berlin) studied at the Städelschule Frankfurt in the class of Tobias Rehberger until 2013 and finished her master’s degree in 2015 at the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia near Los Angeles. In 2018, she was awarded a studio scholarship by Hessische Kulturstiftung at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. In 2019, Schawelka won the Q21 viennacontemporary Artist-in-Residence Prize in cooperation with EIKON, enabling a two-month work stay at MuseumsQuartier Wien in 2020.
A main contribution in the latest issue EIKON #110/111 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched the same evening.
We monitor the current situation closely, at the moment only 10 people are allowed at the indoor venue.
If you'd like to join us, RSVP via mail is mandatory. Please note that you are only allowed to join the event with a prior confirmation of your registration.
Please wear a mouth and nose protection and keep a safe distance to others.
Laura Schawelka: Vicarious
Midissage: September 23, 6 pm (with reservation)
Exhibition: August 5 – October 20, 2020 | the exhibition can be viewed twenty-four hours a day
Opening hours: from September 2020 every Thursday 2 pm to 6 pm
Where: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo © Laura Schawelka

New: EIKON Sub 65+ (am 30.04.2020)
We would like to make staying at home a little easier for everyone aged 65+. Therefore, we offer all new subscribers aged 65+ an EIKON annual subscription at reduced prices. Starting with the current issue EIKON #109, the subscription offer is valid for all orders until April 30, 2020:
Austria: 30€
Europe: 40€
Shipping and packaging fees are included in the price.
Order here
Photo © EIKON / Antonia Mayer

Free Shipping: Stay at home and read EIKON! (am 17.03.2020)
The measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 currently put off all plans worldwide: Social contacts are minimized, the public life in Austria stands still.
We want to make the best out of this situation and offer all EIKON friends the possibility to stock up their library: All orders of EIKON issues until April 30, 2020 include free shipping in the whole of Europe.
Please write a mail to office@eikon.at mentioning which issue you would like to receive!
Photo © EIKON / Antonia Mayer

EIKON editorial office is continuing from home (am 16.03.2020)
Due to the decisions of the Austrian Federal Government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the EIKON Schauraum is currently closed. Our editorial office nevertheless works from home and is happy to answer your requests via e-mail.
Stay healthy!
Photo © EIKON / Antonia Mayer

CANCELLED: Magazine Launch EIKON #109 (am 13.03.2020)
Given the recent evolution regarding COVID-19, the magazine launch is cancelled.
The brand new issue #109 should have been presented on March 13, 2020 at 6 pm during düsseldorf photo+, a new photography festival format.
The presentation should have taken place at the gallery wildpalms, simultaneously with the opening of the group show Té de Bogotá curated by Jorge Sanguino. The exhibition deals with the ambiguity of Colombian identity and it's relation to the nature of the country.
CANCELLED: Magazine Launch EIKON #109
Part of düsseldorf photo+
When: March 13, 2020, 6 pm
Where: wildpalms gallery, Gerresheimer Str. 33, 40211 Dusseldorf
Photo © Say Say Say, Inc.

Opening EIKON Schauraum (am 10.03.2020)
As of March 2020, the EIKON Schauraum, a 25-square-meter exhibition and discussion forum in the heart of MuseumsQuartier Wien, provides a new platform for photography and media art in Vienna. Solo and group exhibitions with artists presented in the print issues are already scheduled for the first year, along with artist talks and panel discussions inviting to an extensive exchange between artists, experts and photo-enthusiasts.
The showroom will be staffed two days a week (Thru and Fri from 2 to 6 pm) and can be viewed twenty-four hours a day, even after the opening hours.
These days, the EIKON Schauraum is adapted by BWM Architekten, creating the ideal conditions for future exhibitions and events. We cordially invite all EIKON friends on March 10, 2020 at 7 pm to celebrate the opening of our new exhibition space EIKON Schauraum!
Opening EIKON Schauraum
When: March 10, 2020, 7 pm
Where: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Vienna / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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Michael Höpfner. Von Ruthok nach Lhamo Latso (am 10.03.2020)
Michael Höpfner walks; with his backpack, tent and minimal work utensils, preferably an analog camera and film: “It is the simplest medium – minimalist. I work with a Leica or a Hasselblad. I am interested in a direct access, no detours.” During his several months long travels in sparsely populated regions analog photography proved ideal for his purposes because of its independence from electricity. “On every trip, I have a maximum of 20 rolls of film with me. 750 photos, this must be enough for at least three months. It almost forces me to keep a calm line of vision. In my pictures, I want to convey tranquility.”
The artist understands hiking as liberation from predetermined ways of life and artistic guidelines. The – partly overdrawn – photographs, drawings and written notes can be read as an attempt of situating the human being in nature and as a reflection on the relationship between the two.
A main contribution in the latest issue EIKON #109 is dedicated to the artist.
Michael Höpfner studied Painting and Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and at the Department for Fine Art Photography at the Glasgow School of Art. Currently, the artist is based in Berlin and Vienna, where he teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna together with Martin Guttmann.
Michael Höpfner. Von Ruthok nach Lhamo Latso
Opening: March 10, 2020, 7 pm
! CANCELLED ! Artist Talk: April 24, 2020, 3 pm (The conversation is published here)
Duration: March 11 – July 23, 2020
Location: EIKON Schauraum, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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Photo © Michael Höpfner, Von Ruthok nach Lhamo Latso, Tag 10, Camp, 2020

X-MAS Subscription Special (am 19.12.2019)
A treat for photo enthusiasts: Take advantage of our Christmas gift offer and get five issues for the price of four! Valid for all orders until December 19, 2019, the subscription starts with the latest issue #108. In addition EIKON subscribers get discounts at our cooperation partners like KUNST HAUS WIEN, Foto Leutner or Galerie WestLicht.
EIKON Subscription Special:
Five issues for the prize of four!
Austria: 60 € | EU, overseas: 72 € | Rest of Europe: 65 €
Students (up to 26): Austria: 30 €, Europe: 40 €
Order your EIKON Subscription here
Check out the subscription benefits here

EIKON meets VIENNA ART WEEK (am 22.11.2019)
Editor's Choice
"EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art" opens it’s doors for a pre-Christmas punch on the occasion of the Vienna Art Week: In addition to it’s quarterly magazine, EIKON also publishes special editions and "Edition EIKON", hand-signed and numbered original photographs by renowned and up-and-coming artists in limited editions. Visitors are invited to peruse our publications, select highlights from "Edition EIKON" as well as a selection of artist books that will be available at a special price at an informal get-together with punch and biscuits.
With works by: Renate Bertlmann, Daniele Buetti, Stéphane Couturier, Jan de Cock, Jürgen Klauke, Walter Niedermayr, Arnulf Rainer, Eva Schlegel, Elfie Semotan, Beat Streuli, Erwin Wurm, and others
Editor’s Choice
When: Friday, November 22, 2019, 14 pm to 18 pm
Where: EIKON Office, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Vienna, Museumsplatz 1 / e - 1.6, 1070 Vienna
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Photo © Edition EIKON, Renate Bertlmann, Zärtliche Berührungen, 1976/2018

EIKON Schaufenster: Lauren Moffatt. The Tulpamancer + Magazine Launch EIKON #108 (am 12.11.2019)
A tulpa is a mental companion created through focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike an imaginary friend, tulpas have their own will, their thoughts and their emotions, allowing them to act independently.
The video installation The Tulpamancer tells the story of a person who creates a personal mythology and gives it life through automated workflows, hoping it will neutralise her anxieties about online and offline life. The central figure, known as the Tulpamancer, is a reincarnation of the artist Lauren Moffatt’s earlier self — like Lauren at age 17, the Tulpamancer is the host of five tulpas.
With video, performance and immersive technologies, australian artist Lauren Moffatt (b. 1982) explores contemporary subjectivity, networks and the blurring of borders between the real and the virtual world.
A main contribution in the latest issue EIKON #108 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched the same evening.
Lauren Moffatt. The Tulpamancer
Opening: November 12, 2019, 7 pm
Duration: November 13, 2019 – February 9, 2020, daily from 10 am to 10 pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Vienna / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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Photo © Lauren Moffatt

Performance: Ivana Ivkovic. I did it for you (am 28.09.2019)
EIKON and Ivana Ivković cordially invite you to a special event at the EIKON Schaufenster, which is taking place during viennacontemporary. The living-image performance will be part of the exhibition I did it for you and will be realised in cooperation with Eugster || Belgrade.
Ivana Ivković. I did it for you
Curated by Natalija Paunić
In cooperation with Eugster || Belgrade
Performance (with Dan Vogt): September 28, 2019, 6 pm
Duration: September 13–October 27, 2019, daily from 10 am to 10 pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Vienna / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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EIKON Schaufenster: Ivana Ivkovic. I did it for you + Magazine Launch EIKON #107 (am 12.09.2019)
I did it for you is inspired by the work of the English film director and author Derek Jarman, his famous film Caravaggio (1986) and the Brutal Beauty exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien from 2008. The architecture of MuseumsQuartier is associated with Caravaggio and his Baroque style, creating a flamboyant setting for the story about masculine identity in the contemporary context. Through a site-specific installation and a living-image performance (with Dan Vogt) prepared for the opening, I did it for you deals with poetics of intentional exposure and revealing one's own identity.
Ivana Ivkovic (b. 1979), lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia. She holds an M.A. in Drawing from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Since 2002 Ivana has had solo and group shows in Montreal, Belgrade, New York, Beirut, Düsseldorf, Vienna, La Coruña, Bodrum, Basel, Calcutta and Copenhagen. Her works are part of the Telenor Collection of Contemporary Serbian Art, the permanent collection of the City Museum of Belgrade and of several private collections worldwide.
A main contribution in the latest issue EIKON #107 is dedicated to the artist. This issue will be launched the same evening.
Ivana Ivković. I did it for you
Curated by Natalija Paunić
Duration: September 13–October 27, 2019, daily from 10 am to 10 pm
Opening and Performance (with Dan Vogt): September 12, 2019, 7 pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Vienna / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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Photo © Ivana Ivkovic

OPEN CALL: Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MQ Vienna (am 10.09.2019)
The Q21 Artist-in-Residence program at MuseumsQuartier Vienna is an international artist studio program, financed in cooperation with partners and sponsors. Every year, up to 80 international artists from abroad are invited to live and to work for one to two months through the studio program at Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien. During this time, projects with the Q21 cultural initiatives will be established.
As an institution of the Q21, EIKON is pleased to invite an artist focused on photography / media art to attend for October to November 2019. Applications (including a motivation letter explaining the relevance of a residency in Vienna, CV and portfolio - not more than 5 MB in total) can be sent to office@eikon.at. Deadline for the application is September 8, 2019.
The artist selected by EIKON will receive a free studio for residential and working purposes as well as a monthly scholarship in the amount of 1.050 Euro.
More information on the Q21 Artist-in-Residence program at MuseumsQuartier Wien can be found here.
photo © Q21
Artist's studio 904, size: 85m² / in cooperation with Christine König Galerie, 2016 / concept: Valentin Ruhry

EIKON Schaufenster: Hanakam & Schuller. Magazzino + Magazine Launch EIKON #106 (am 04.06.2019)
Many of the artifacts of Hanakam & Schuller, an artist duo that lives in Vienna, are shapeshifters, changing their outer form and then reappearing in a variety of contexts. As artists and explorers, Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schuller redesign the rules of the fine arts for their own purposes and create unconventional arrangements and new world designs in videos and objects. They also work with applied art forms.
With the installation Magazzino Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schuller give an insight into their current artistic work: Various objects, which can be identified as industrially produced commodities after a closer look, are rearranged on a flexible screen with several levels – deprived of their initial function and alienated form their original context. Following previous works the duo focuses thematically on the parallel development and mutual influence of technology and culture and questions the naturalness of our technological present at the same time.
The work of Hanakam & Schuller have been shown in Berlin’s Haus der Kulturen der Welt, the Eyebeam art and technology Center in New York, Paris’ Palais de Tokyo, Moscow’s Garage Museum of Contemporary Culture, Vienna’s MAK, the MAK Center for Art and Architecture in Los Angeles, and Tokyo’s National Art Center.
A main contribution in the latest issue EIKON #106 is dedicated to the artist duo.
Together with the opening EIKON presents EIKON #106.
Hanakam & Schuller. Magazzino
Duration: June 5–September 1, 3019, daily from 10 am to 10 pm
Opening: June 4, 2019, 7 pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Vienna / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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EIKON #106 online order
Photo © Hanakam & Schuller

FOTO WIEN SUB SPECIAL (am 20.04.2019)
The festival FOTO WIEN – Month of Photography (March 20 - April 20, 2019) aims to showcase the diversity and potential of the Viennese photography scene – in collaboration with over 130 photography institutions, museums, archives, galleries, art universities, artists initiatives and off-spaces.
As program partner of FOTO WIEN, we are happy to offer you an annual EIKON subscription at a special price:
Austria: € 60,00 -> € 50,00
EU/Overseas: € 72,00 -> € 60,00
Rest of Europe: € 65,00 -> € 54,00
Students (up to age 26): Austria: € 30,00 -> € 25,00
Students (up to age 26): Europe: € 40,00 -> € 33,00
We are looking forward to your orders via mail (to office@eikon.at, subject line: FOTO WIEN SUB) or directly at the photobook market of FOTO WIEN.
Photo © Say Say Say, Inc.

Performance: 280A. Vacant Dream State (am 28.03.2019)
SPECIAL EVENT in cooperation with FOTO WIEN
A selected group of seven artists from the international collective 280A took up the task of documenting and recreating an entire island. This venture included recording and analyzing their own experiences and presence on the island as a new part of the studied territory. As they proceeded to (re)-create an isolated world, the individual artists turned from creators into mere replicas of themselves, revealing a world of (self)-images and questions. Aren’t all images an echo of the very first image and the manifestation that humans are nothing more than selfies of God?
In the same way as the internet nurtures and sustains our own world, travelling through binary pulses at the bottom of the ocean that surround this island, and connects all the other islands and continents on earth, the artists found themselves fluctuating between light and darkness, depth and shallow waters, distance and connection. Facing the ghosts of their own depictions and technological essays while dealing with the temptation of the snake that offers immortality through a small byte of a forbidden fruit, the artists dialogued with their own imperfections on the path of building a perfect (re)-creation.
As each breath we take, every image and everything in this island, what is repeated, gets irretrievably lost.
280A is a collective of international artists and curators focusing on contemporary art and post-photographic practice. The collective works around the concept of de-emotionalization and disembodiment, increasing virtualization and the dominance of digital surfaces. In 280A productions, individual artistic positions merge into a collective aesthetic. Based on its own curatorial projects, new works are conceived and realized; 280A also functions as a producer, presentation platform and independent publisher, offering a counter-model to the conventional art establishment. The projects range from exhibitions, publications, print editions, festivals, fairs to curated artist retreats.
Participating Artists: Martin Bollati (AR/ES), Ernst Lima (AT), Christiane Peschek (AT), Phillip Pess (AT/DE), Michaela Putz (AT), Linn Phyllis Seeger (DE), Magdalena Zoledz (PL/UK)
Performance: March 28, 2019, at 7 pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Exhibition: March 1—May 26, 2019, daily from 10 am to 10 pm
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EIKON Schaufenster: 280A. VACANT DREAM STATE + Magazine launch EIKON #105 (am 28.02.2019)
A project in cooperation with FOTO WIEN
With VACANT DREAM STATE, the collective 280A sets approach to the complex challenge of seven artists documenting and reproducing a nine-day long stay on an island. In the interplay of creation and reproduction, the lines between reality and copy get blurred. The individual artists transform from creators to replicas of themselves—a world made of (self-) images emerges and reveals questions as “Why do we portray our reality and why do we repeat those portrayals?“.
Thus the group meets the ghosts of their own representation and its technological temptations within. The imperfection, accompanying the way to the perfect re-creation, puts this experiment inside a temporal circulation of origination and decay.
A main contribution in the latest issue EIKON #105 is dedicated to the artist collective.
280A is interested in the notion of intensity in contemporary art and culture as well as the significance of the collective in times of individualization, virtualization and on-going fragmentation of the individual radius of action. The international artists’ collective is based in Vienna and acts as production agency, presentation platform and independent publisher. Recent projects include exhibitions, publications, festivals, fairs and curated artists’ residencies.
Participating artists: Martin Bollati (AR/ES), Ernst Lima (AT), Christiane Peschek (AT), Phillip Pess (AT/DE), Michaela Putz (AT), Linn Phyllis Seeger (DE), Magdalena Zoledz (PL/UK)
Together with this opening EIKON presents EIKON #105.
Duration: March 1—May 26, 2019, daily from 10 am to 10 pm
Opening: February 28, 2019, 19:00
Special event: March 28, 2019, Performance at 7 pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo © 280A

EIKON New Years Reception 2019 (am 17.01.2019)
To kick off the New Year, we cordially invite you to our traditional New Year’s Reception.
It will take place on January 17, 2019 at 7 pm, at the EIKON office in MuseumsQuartier.
Let‘s celebrate a successful year 2018 and have a toast to a prosperous New Year 2019!
EIKON New Year’s Reception 2019
When: Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 7 pm
Where: EIKON office, Q21 im MuseumsQuartier Wien, Kulturbüros, 1st floor, Museumsplatz 1 / e–1.6, 1070 Vienna
RSVP on facebook
Photo: Edition EIKON © Elfie Semotan

EIKON Christmas Sub (am 01.12.2018)
Treat photo enthusiasts with an EIKON magazine subscription! Take advantage of our Christmas gift offer and get five issues for the price of four. Valid for all orders until December 20, 2018, the subscription starts with the latest issue #104. In addition EIKON-subscribers get discounts at our cooperation partners like KUNST HAUS WIEN, Foto Leutner or Galerie WestLicht.
Order your EIKON subscription here
Austria: 60 € | EU, overseas: 72 € | Rest of Europe: 65 €
Students (up to 26): Austria: 30 €, Europe: 40 €
Photo © Say Say Say, Inc.

PHOTO x GRAPHICS x BOOKS (am 27.11.2018)
An exhibition of EIKON in cooperation with Lia Wolf Cabinett
Participating artists: Ona B., Renate Bertlmann, Jan De Cock, Peter Dressler, Gregor Ecker, Annabell Fürstenau, Nan Hoover, Jürgen Klauke, Paul Albert Leitner, Ángel Marcos, Brian McKee, Sigrid Kurz, Sissa Micheli, Gregor Neuerer, Walter Niedermayr, Anna Reisenbichler, Simona Rota, Eva Schlegel, Elfie Semotan, Michael Strasser, Sergei Sviatchenko, Andrea Witzmann, Erwin Wurm, Robert Zahornicky
Opening: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 7pm
Exhibition: November 28 to December 22, 2018
Opening hours: Mon to Fri, from 10:30am to 6:30pm, Sat, 10:30am to 6pm
Where: Lia Wolf Cabinett, Sonnenfelsgasse 3, 1010 Vienna
Photo: Wolf-Dieter Grabner

Selected Printed Matters (am 23.11.2018)
In addition to the magazine for photography and media art, EIKON also regularly launches special publications like the so called "EIKON-Sonderdrucke," which are published in continuous numbering. On the occasion of the VIENNA ART WEEK, EIKON invites to a pre-Christmas book flea market: Accompanied by hot drinks, biscuits and music in the space of the EIKON office, one can browse in beautiful and rare books, which are available for purchasing at a bargain price.
Selected Printed Matters
When: Friday, November 23, from 2pm to 6pm
Where: EIKON office, Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien, Kulturbüros, 1st floor, Museumsplatz 1 / e - 1.6, 1070 Vienna

EIKON Schaufenster: Anna Reisenbichler. Anna & Anna + Magazine launch EIKON #104 (am 15.11.2018)
Referring to the British botanist and artist Anna Atkins (1799—1871), Anna Reisenbichler deals in Anna & Anna with the reality content of nature mappings. Anna & Anna reflects the contextual relevance and reliability of facts as well as the objectivity of knowledge visualization.
An important factor of Anna & Anna is the medial translation and content-related entanglement of information: The large-format cyanotypes were not created in the photographic process, but in slow, lengthy manual labor with colored pencil. Some of the documented things are kept in collection cases, but the compilation does not seem to follow any comprehensible logic. The book objects refer formally to Atkins' books, but in terms of content they remain ambiguous and personal by means of textual elements.
A main contribution is dedicated to the artist in the latest issue EIKON #104.
Anna Reisenbichler is a visual artist and art historian. She deals with processes of information generation, their documentation, visualization and factuality; She is particularly interested in the relation of individual-biographical and collective knowledge as well as the relationship between text and image.
Anna Reisenbichler. Anna & Anna
Exhibition: November 16, 2018—February 17, 2019, daily from 10am to 10pm
Opening: November 15, 2018 at 7pm
Location: Q21 at MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo © Anna Reisenbichler, Cyanotypie #8, 2017

Open Call: Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MQ Wien (am 31.10.2018)
The Q21 Artist-in-Residence program at MuseumsQuartier Wien is an international artist studio program, financed in cooperation with partners and sponsors. Every year, up to 80 international artists from abroad are invited to live and to work for one to two months through the studio program at Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien. During this time, projects with the Q21 cultural initiatives will be established.
As an institution of the Q21, EIKON is pleased to invite an artist focused on photography / media art to attend for January to February 2019. Applications (including a motivation letter explaining the relevance of a residency in Vienna, CV and portfolio - not more than 5 MB in total) can be sent to office@eikon.at. Deadline for the application is October 31, 2018.
The artist selected by EIKON will receive a free studio for residential and working purposes as well as a monthly scholarship in the amount of 1.050 Euro.
More information on the Q21 Artist-in-Residence program at MuseumsQuartier Wien can be found here.
photo © Q21
Artist's studio 904, size: 85m² / in cooperation with Christine König Galerie, 2016 / concept: Valentin Ruhry

Q21 viennacontemporary AIR Prize 2018 (am 29.09.2018)
Valter Ventura (born 1979 in Lisbon) is the winner of the first edition of the Q21 viennacontemporary Artist-in-Residence Prize 2018!
In cooperation with viennacontemporary and EIKON–International Magazine for Photography and Media Art, the Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien awards a residency scholarship as part of the Q21 Artist-in-Residence programme at the MuseumsQuartier Wien. Exhibiting galleries of viennacontemporary had the opportunity to nominate international artists for the scholarship. The award allows the artist, represented by the Porto based Kubikgallery, to live and to work in one of the MuseumsQuartier Wien's nine artist studios for one month in the coming year 2019. In addition, the winner receive a scholarship of 1,050 euro.
Jury of the Q21 viennacontemporary Artist-in-Residence Prize 2018:
Elisabeth Hajek, Artistic Director of frei_raum Q21 exhibition space, Artist-in-Residence Program Q21 / MQ
Nela Eggenberger, Editor-in-Chief, EIKON–International Magazine of Photography and Media Art
Sabine Winkler, curator
Matthew Stephenson, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Photographers' Gallery
Jury Statement:
“In his multimedia installations, Valter Ventura (born in 1979 in Lisbon) continuously explores the nature of photography and its historical as well as contemporary significance. His almost forensic method, which can be experienced through a complex display reminiscent of natural-historical museum presentations, allows him to dig like an archaeologist into the depths in order to reveal observations of perception.”

EIKON Talk at viennacontemporary (am 28.09.2018)
Still life. A genre redefining itself?
Still life, a photography classic, has been located for a long time in contemporary art’s niche. Recently, numerous artists have taken it up and reinterpreted it. However, can we speak about a latest update of a photographic genre? If so, why is this occurring precisely now? On the occasion of IN FOCUS in the latest EIKON issue #103, we will pursue these and further questions in a discussion with experts.
Panel discussion
With: Manuel Gorkiewicz (artist), Bettina Leidl (director of KUNST HAUS WIEN) and Nela Eggenberger (chief editor EIKON)
When: Friday, September 28 from 12:30am to 1:30am
Where: viennacontemporary, Marx Halle, Talk Zone (booth C32)
The talk will take place in German.
Photo: Andrea Witzmann

Book Launch: Andrea Lambrecht. Künstler in the Second District of Vienna (am 17.09.2018)
The EIKON Publication # 17 was created in collaboration with the Viennese artist Andrea Lambrecht and is the result of a long-term photographic project for which Lambrecht photographed artists and their work spaces from the Second District of Vienna. The book shows a collection of portraits, accompanied by a foreword by Carl Aigner (founder of EIKON) and statements by the participating artists.
"Andrea Lambrecht’s approach is ethnographic ... she takes the studios and artists to be something “other”," writes Carl Aigner in the introductory pages of the book. This refers to the "natural" presentation of workplaces and their studio character, which is often not deemed worthy of being recorded on photograph, but the publication allows a detailed look behind the scenes.
Portrait artists: Anke Armandi, Michael Blank, Christoph Braendle, Ricarda Denzer, Julius Deutschbauer, Gregor Eichinger, Gustav Ernst, Antonio Fian, Ben G. Fodor, Hans Glaser, Anselm Glück, Sabine Gruber, Heinrich Heuer, Markus Hofer, Barbara Holub, Ronald Kodritsch, Nikolaus Korab, Jörg Ulrich Krah, Suse Krawagna, Hans Kupelwieser, Nika Kupyrova, Ulrike Lienbacher, Marko Lulić, Constantin Luser, Claudia Märzendorfer, Anna-Elisabeth Mayer, Josef Novotny, Annelies Oberdanner, Johanna Orsini-Rosenberg, Julian Palacz, Günter Parth, Bruno Pellandini, Roman Pfeffer, Judith Nika Pfeifer, PRINZ/pod, Konrad Prissnitz, Doron Rabinovici, Katharina Razumovsky, Roland Reiter, Kathrin Resetarits, Hans Schabus, Robert Schindl, Ferdinand Schmatz, Giora Seeliger, Angelo Stagno, Julia Starsky, Karl-Heinz Ströhle, Antonin Svoboda, Nita Tandon, Sofie Thorsen, Viktoria Tremmel, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Andrea van der Straeten, Christian Wachter, Herbert J. Wimmer, Daniel Wisser, Gerald Zahn, Heimo Zobernig
Book Launch: EIKON Publication #17
When: Monday, September 17, 2018 at 7pm
Where: Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom, Nestroyhof 1, 1020 Vienna
You can order EIKON Publication # 17 here online.

EIKON Schaufenster: Caroline Heider. Photography as a Pastime + Magazine launch EIKON #103 (am 04.09.2018)
Caroline Heider has been working on a dictionary of photographic terms since 2010. She is examining how analog photographic techniques are adopted by the digital world. Her work revolves around the visualization of photography as a successful instrument for constructing human communication. This long-term and ongoing project is titled Fotografie als Zeitvertreib (Photography as a Pastime), inspired by a instruction manual for photography from 1895.
At EIKON Schaufenster, Heider will show a part of her project: photographs of the equipment, that is normally used to create an image, but is not visible as such, for instance turning heads, effect foils, “Magic Arms”, c-stands, glass filters, “Kokolores”, the “Negro” and the “Indian”.
A main contribution in the latest issue EIKON #103 is dedicated to the artist.
Caroline Heider, b. 1978 in Munich, lives and works in Vienna and Lower Austria. She studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, as well as at the Glasgow School of Art and at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She has received numerous awards and prizes, e.g. the Austrian State Scholarship, the Outstanding Artist Award, the 32nd Austrian Graphic Design Competition and the Theodor Körner Prize for Photography. Heider has been participating in several solo exhibitions and took part in numerous group exhibitions.
Together with this opening EIKON presents EIKON #103.
Caroline Heider. Photography as a Pastime
Exhibition: September 5—November 11, 2018, daily from 10am to 10pm
Opening: September 4, 2018 at 7pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 at MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo: Caroline Heider © Bildrecht Wien

EIKON Schaufenster: Aníbal Catalán. Babel: tomorrow was another day and Magazine launch #102 (am 07.06.2018)
The installation Babel: tomorrow was another day, which Aníbal Catalán drew for EIKON Schaufenster, suggests a cynic comment on the modernist concept. Trained as an architect and visual artist, Catalán revisited through his body of work the failures, utopias and heterotopias of modernism.
The title refers to Babel, built while being destroyed. It embodies the promise of a “tomorrow” that never will come.
Central point of the installation is a wall painting, that depicts a synthesis of the architectonical concepts of space and land. In the foreground, the video Babel, and the body of work compounded by collages and sculptures, enclosed within the display window, are related to the avant-gard movements of the 20th Century, and their formalistic concepts. The dynamic between wall and window is used by Catalán as an aesthetic proposal for the actuality of architecture and avant-garde.
Aníbal Catalán lives and works in Mexico City. He was born in 1973, studied Fine Arts at the National School La Esmeralda and Architecture at the School of Architecture/Universidad Anahuac in Mexico City. He belongs to a new generation of Mexican artists that works with the link between architecture and arts. Among others, Catalan has been participating in several solo exhibitions in Mexico City, Tokio, Seoul and Los Angeles.
Together with this opening EIKON presents EIKON #102.
Aníbal Catalán. Babel: tomorrow was another day
10 years of EIKON Schaufenster | A project by wildpalms in cooperation with EIKON
Exhibition: June 8—August 19, 2018, daily from 10am to 10pm
Opening: June 7, 2018 at 7pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 at MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EU–General Data Protection Regulation (am 25.05.2018)
For EIKON the protection of your personal data is from great importance.
We gather, handle and use individual-related data exclusively within the legal requirements (DSGCVO, TKG 2003). We will save and use personal information only, if you actively agreed and indicated us to do so, considering for example, the usage of online forms for contacting you, for the newsletter application or the online shop.
Our homepage may include links to other websites, like other connected institutions or social media channels. If you klick on a link to another website, or a website from a different institution, please be aware, that these websites have their own data protection regulations. Please bear in mind that we do not assume any responsibility for other websites or providers.

EIKON Schaufenster: Luiza Margan. Visibility Reward and launch of EIKON #101 (am 12.03.2018)
Luiza Margan is a visual artist that works with sculpture, photography and video, and does public space interventions and actions. Her works examine the relationship between the private and public sphere and critically examine the way history is inscribed in it. She investigates spaces of labor as well as the role of art in shaping cultural identity.
For EIKON Schaufenster Luiza Margan will use the framework of the space to explore the notion of (cultural) labor and it’s less visible aspects.
Luiza Margan, b. in Rijeka, Croatia and lives in Vienna, where she finished studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in 2013. She has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Austria and abroad, e.g. Chaux, Gallery Martin Janda, Vienna, 2017, Specular Windows. Reflections on the Self and the Wider World, 21 Haus, 2017, Migrations of Fear, Koroska Gallery, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia, 2017, Identification as Reapropriation, acb gallery, Budapest, 2017, Photo Kinetics. Movement, Body and Light in the Collections, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, 2017 as well as Crises and New Beginnings at Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova in Ljubljana in 2015. She took part in artist-in-residence programs in Mexico City, Paris, South Korea, Albania, Italy and New York.
Together with this opening EIKON presents EIKON #101.
EIKON Schaufenster: Luiza Margan. Visibility Reward
Exhibition: 13.3.–30.5.2018 (daily 10am–10pm)
Opening: 12.3.2018, 7pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 at MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Photo © Luiza Margan, work detail, 2017

Additional program of EIKON Award (45+) (am 08.03.2018)
During the exhibition EIKON Award (45+). Katrín Elvarsdóttir, Susan MacWilliam, Gabriele Rothemann an additional program including talks and guided tours take place.
March 8, 6pm
Guided Tour – EIKON Award (45+) on International Women's Day (in German/English)
On the occasion of International Women's Day, there will be a guided tour through the exhibition of Katrín Elvarsdóttir, Susan MacWilliam and Gabriele Rothemann. Free admission for all!
March 8, 2018, 7 pm
Panel discussion WOMAN WHO WORRY (in German)
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the presence and participation of female middle-aged artists in the art scene and in exhibitions will be discussed.
With: Margot Pilz and Ursula Maria Probst
Moderation: Nela Eggenberger
March 22, 2018, 7 pm
Gabriele Rothemann guides through the exhibition (in German)
Gabriele Rothemann offers a comprehensive insight into her artistic practice.
April 11, 2018, 7 pm
Exhibition tour with Susan MacWilliam und Peter Mulacz (in English)
Susan MacWilliam will discuss her work in the exhibition in conversation with Prof. Peter Mulacz, President of the Austrian Society for Parapsychology and Border Areas of Sciences (more) and Lecturer at Sigmund Freud University Vienna (more).
Where: Künstlerhaus 1050, Stolberggasse 26, 1050 Vienna
Photo © Gabriele Rothemann

Exhibition: EIKON Award (45+). Katrín Elvarsdóttir, Susan MacWilliam, Gabriele Rothemann (am 15.02.2018)
On the occasion of the 100th issue of EIKON - International Magazine for Photography and Media Art, the EIKON Award (45+) was launched under the patronage of VALIE EXPORT for European women photographers and media artists aged 45 and over. The aim of the award is not only to survey the current conditions in women’s art production, but also to draw attention to and sensitize a broad public for the (biographically caused) delays in artistic development and practice of both late entrants and returning artists.
Following the idea of a European exchange in times of current splitting tendencies, the exhibition is an interdisciplinary dialogue between the three award-winning artists, Susan MacWilliam (born 1969 in Belfast, Northern Ireland), Katrín Elvarsdóttir (* 1964 in Isafjordur, Iceland) and Gabriele Rothemann (born 1960 in Offenbach / Main, Germany) initiated.
The EIKON Award (45+) was announced in the summer 2017 and was endowed with a prize money of 5,000 euros for the first place. In addition, the jury consisting of Jürgen Klauke, Margot Pilz and Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir, the three best ranked artists got an extensive contribution in the 100th issue of EIKON. The winners were able to prevail against a total of 273 applicants from 23 different nations.
1. Susan MacWilliam
2. Katrín Elvarsdóttir
3. Gabriele Rothemann
Prize money: 5,000 €
Jury: Jürgen Klauke, Margot Pilz, Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir
Idea and concept: Marielis Seyler and Nela Eggenberger
EIKON Award (45+)
Katrín Elvarsdóttir, Susan MacWilliam, Gabriele Rothemann
Opening: February 15, 2018 at 7pm
Exhibition: February 16 - April 14, 2018
Opening hours: Tuesday/Wednesday 2–6pm, Thursday/Friday 2–9pm, Saturday 11am–6pm
Where: Künstlerhaus 1050, Stolberggasse 26, 1050 Vienna
With friendly support of Wiener Städtische and Culture Ireland.
Photo © Susan MacWilliam and CONNERSMITH

Call for Proposals: Critic-in-Residence with EIKON & studio das weisse haus (am 12.02.2018)
EIKON is happy to announce a Critic-in-Residence in cooperation with studio das weisse haus.
Residency Period: May 22 – June 12, 2018
Call for Proposals until March 13, 2018, 5pm
For further information: studio das weisse haus

EIKON Online Auction (45+) (am 23.11.2017)
This year, EIKON launched the Europe-wide EIKON Award (45+), which was dedicated to women photographers and media artists aged 45 and over. On the occasion of the extensive participation on the art prize and the quality of submitted portfolios, EIKON organizes an online auction: From November 23, 2017 on you have the opportunity to bid for unique pieces and selected prints by participants of the EIKON Award (45+) for special prices!
The proceeds will go to the artists and EIKON - International Magazine for Photography and Media Art!
EIKON Online Auction (45+)
Start: Thursday, November 23, 2017
End: Thursday, November 30, 2017, 6pm
The auction ended on November 30, 2017.
With works by:
Ramesch Daha
Katrín Elvarsdóttir
Sissi Farassat
Maia Gusberti
Ruth Hommelsheim
Tanja Lazetic
Karin Mack
Gabriele Rothemann
Eva Schlegel
Stefanie Schneider
Natascha Stellmach
Gabriela Torres Ruiz
Elisabeth von Samsonow
Stefanie Zoche
Please note that all works are offered unframed. All prices include 10% VAT.
Photo © Karin Mack

Presentation EIKON #100 at Vienna Art Week 2017 (am 17.11.2017)
The 100th issue of EIKON was conceived as a comprehensive special issue covering the Europe-wide EIKON Award (45+). Placed under the patronage of VALIE EXPORT, it addresses photography and media artists aged 45 or older. Women have frequently been pioneers of photography and media art, exploring the innovative potential of new media and technologies with artistic means. This special edition unveils current conditions for female art production and presents selected works by related female artists. The issue will be presented at once with the winner ceremony of the EIKON Award (45+) at Vienna Art Week 2017.
Launch EIKON #100, ceremony EIKON Award (45+)
When: November 17, 2017 at 6pm
Where: KUNST HAUS WIEN, Untere Weißgerberstraße 13, 1030 Vienna
r.s.v.p. phone: +43 1 597 70 88, office@eikon.at
photo: installation view "Visions of Nature" © KUNST HAUS WIEN, Eva Kelety

EIKON Schaufenster: Elisabeth Czihak. Being in Limbo and launch of EIKON #99 (am 05.09.2017)
“Elisabeth Czihak’s works talk about the transformation of a seeming constant, as well as of the duration and the perseverance of architectonic bodies, traces of life and memories. Holding on to the transient, the hidden and the no longer existing, is one of the comprehensive themes of her documentary photography and the mostly abstract paper and wall drawings.” (Annette Südbeck)
With the current wallpaper-installation “Add-on”, paired with photographs arranged across the room, Czihak’s interest lies in the construction of space and its appropriation, aiming for architectonic expansion and a new sense of already given circumstances.
Elisabeth Czihak, b. 1966 in Tübingen, is an Austrian ceramicist, sculptor, graphic designer and photographer. Studies in Ceramics at the Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz and Sculpting at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Berlin with Lothar Fischer. In 2003 and 2005, she assisted Judy Fox and in 2007, Wang Fu at the Internationale Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst in Salzburg. Numerous contributions at international exhibitions and festivals.
Together with this opening EIKON presents the issue No. 99
Elisabeth Czihak. Being in Limbo
Duration: 6.9.2017 — 28.2.2018 (daily 10am–10pm)
Opening: 5.9.2017, 7pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 in MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON & Camera Austria International at Les Rencontres de la photographie, Arles 2017 (am 07.07.2017)
With the magazines Camera Austria International and EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art, which provide important impulses for discourse on photography as a contemporary art practice, Austria’s cultural landscape boasts an internationally unique area of focus. This year, for the first time, we are happily anticipating a series of joint discussions and presentations in the scope of Les Rencontres de la photographie in Arles, the oldest international festival for contemporary photography.
Panel Discussion: “On Publishing (Photography)”
Friday, July 7, 2017, 12 noon–1 p.m.
Arles, Ancien collège Mistral
At the suggestion of Abigail Solomon-Godeau (author and emeritus professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara) and Arno Gisinger (artist and lecturer at the Université Paris 8), Camera Austria International and EIKON initiated a dialogue about the future of print publications on photography with their “On Publishing (Photography)” at LE BAL in Paris (May 2017). In Arles, this discussion will continue with Solomon-Godeau, Gisinger, Nela Eggenberger (editor-in-chief of EIKON), and Sabine Weier (art critic and editor of Camera Austria International) about the role played by magazines in discourse on photography as a contemporary art practice that has developed since the late 1970s and still today influences the exploration of the topic.
Reception, Magazine Presentation, Artist Talk with Tatiana Lecomte
Friday, July 7, 2017, 6:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Fotohaus Arles, 7 rue de la Roquette
Camera Austria International and EIKON are each presenting their current issue in the garden of the project Fotohaus Arles curated by the ParisBerlin>fotogroup. At 7 p.m. Sabine Weier (art critic and editor of Camera Austria International) will be speaking with the Vienna-based artist Tatiana Lecomte about her work. Lecomte’s photographic projects reflect a significantly political approach to interpretation and reference questions of representation, the role of the photographic image as part of a regime of visibility, and the ways in which photography is involved in the production of history.
Cosmos Arles Books
Saturday, July 8, 2017, 12 noon–8 p.m.
Arles, Ancien collège Mistral, Arles
Camera Austria International and EIKON are guests at the festival’s book fair and will be presenting a pop-up stand of current publications.
4–5 p.m., book signing by Tatiana Lecomte, My First Lioness (Edition Camera Austria, 2017)
With the friendly support of:
Sektion Kunst und Kultur des Bundeskanzleramts Österreich
Österreichisches Kulturforum Paris

EIKON Award (45+) under the patronage of VALIE EXPORT (am 01.06.2017)
A Europe-wide call for entries for women artists aged 45 and over on the occasion of the 100. issue of EIKON
Prize money: 5.000€
Jury: Jürgen Klauke (DE), Margot Pilz (AT), Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir (FR/IS)
Idea and concept: Marielis Seyler and Nela Eggenberger
Deadline: July 10, 2017
On the occasion of the 100. issue, EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art is announcing a Europe-wide award: Under the patronage of the pioneer for media art and performance VALIE EXPORT and by the initiative of Marielis Seyler (photo artist) and Nela Eggenberger (chief editor of EIKON), the award is directed at women photography and media artists of 45 years and older. The group addressed is oftentimes excluded by age restrictions at awards and to this day still marginalized on the art market by stereotypes.
It is the aim of the award to expose the current conditions in women art production and to put into the spotlight and sensitize a broad public for the (biografically caused) delays in artistic evolution and practice of late entrants and returning artists.
Publication: EIKON #100
Female artists, in particular, play a pioneering role in photography and media art. The lasting positioning of women media artists in art history is therefore of even greater necessity. The 100. issue of EIKON is dedicated to this desideratum and is designed as a high-quality special issue accompanying the prize. The artistic works of selected participants will be presented and analysed in an essay.
Winners will be contact personally by September 2017. An official announcement to public will take place with the launch of the 100th issue of EIKON (November 2017).

EIKON Schaufenster: Anna Fabricius: Desired reveals the Planned and launch of EIKON #98 (am 11.05.2017)
In her work, Anna Fabricius illuminates repeatedly the idea and concept of the group, how it is constructed and in which way the individual positions him/herself within it. For her video Desired Reveals the Planned, exhibited in the EIKON Schaufenster, children take on the role of working adults, respectively a presentation of their individual conception. The young protagonists present themselves in a freely produced pantomime in front of the camera with serious facial expressions and gestures – every step and act seems precisely and deliberate. The children are free to choose their interpretation of the desired future job profile; but still, the uniformly setting and the assumingly just subtle variations in the movement evoke a feeling of repetition and monotony. With this video, the artist creates a fictive scenario that shifts between childlike freedom and wishful thinking on one side and criticism of child labor which is still present to this day on the other side.
Anna Fabricius, born 1980 in Budapest. Media artist. Study i.a. Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design (Budapest). Various participations at international exhibitions and festivals, i.a. PHOTOESPANA (Madrid), Fotofestiwal (Lodz), Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Rijeka), MÜCSARNOK Kunsthalle and Magyar Nemzeti Galéria (Budapest). Living and working in Budapest. In 2012 Anna Fabricius was a guest in Vienna as Artist-in-Residence of quartier21.
Anna Fabricius. Desired Reveals the Planned
An exhibition in frame of the MQ Summer of Movement
Exhibition duration: 12.5 – 27.8.2017 (daily 10am–10pm)
Opening: 11.5.2017, 7pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 in MuseumsQuartier Vienna / Electric Avenue, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
At the evening of the opening, the new issue of EIKON (#98) will be launched.

On Publishing (Photography) (am 04.05.2017)
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the magazine EIKON, LE BAL, in cooperation with the Forum Culturel Autrichien (Paris), invites editors, graphic designers, photographers and historians to discuss the future of print publications dedicated to photography.
This event, as proposed by Abigail Solomon-Godeau, author and professor emeritus at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Arno Gisinger, artist and lecturer at the Université Paris 8, is centered around the topics of three contemporary magazines: EIKON, Camera Austria and Transbordeur.
The three magazines have a distinct positioning: Since around three decades, Camera Austria and EIKON play a key role in the dissemination and promotion of international photography. These two magazines, originating in the specific cultural context of the 1980s and 1990s in Austria, demonstrate both the recognition of the photographic medium and a great openness towards new practices of contemporary image creation. Transbordeur, a new magazine for the history of photography joins this evening of presentations, screenings and debates about the essential question: For what reasons and in what ways are print magazines published in the digital age?
With: Nela Eggenberger, chief editor EIKON; Arno Gisinger, artist; Tatiana Lecomte, artist; Olivier Lugon, photography historian, Transbordeur; Abigail Solomon-Godeau, author; Christina Töpfer, editor Camera Austria and Jutta Wacht, graphic designer.
When: Thursday, May 4, 2017, 7pm
Where: LE BAL, 6, Impasse de la Défense, 75018 Paris
Registration: poret@le-bal.fr
Limited places / Reservations are mandatory
Ticket price: 6 euros
Photo: © Jutta Wacht / Say Say Say, Inc.
With the generous support of the Forum Culturel Autrichien.

EIKON Schaufenster: Edition EIKON (am 10.04.2017)
The Austrian Institute for Photography and Media Art has been publishing Edition EIKON since 1995, which comprise limited editions of signed and numbered original photographs by renowned and emerging artists. The aim of this initiative is to offer quality works of art at affordable prices, and to thereby familiarize more art lovers—particularly young generations—with photography and to encourage them to collect. By carefully selecting the artists and limiting the print runs to 30 copies on average, Edition EIKON creates a solid investment base and ensures a long-term increase in the value of these works.
The exhibition presents selected artistic positions of the Edition’s portfolio and shows a curated cross-section of the past 20 years of Edition EIKON.
Norbert Brunner, Peter Dressler, Jürgen Klauke, Sigrid Kurz, Sissa Micheli, Ona B., Elfie Semotan, Michael Strasser, Sergei Sviatchenko, Jeanne Szilit, Andrea Witzmann, Erwin Wurm, Robert Zahornicky, Leo Zogmayer
EIKON Schaufenster: Edition EIKON
When: April 10, 2017 – April 30, 2017, daily 10am–10pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Anenue / Q21 in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Image: © Elfie Semotan | Edition EIKON

EIKON Schaufenster: LOOP DISCOVER Award (2016) and launch of EIKON #97 (am 03.03.2017)
The exhibition is featuring the eleven finalist projects of LOOP DISCOVER Award 2016 and is a portrait of contemporary international video creation by artists committed on working in this field. The chosen films debate and dialogue on the theme set for the open call: the relation between cinema and art.
The LOOP DISCOVER Award 2016 has been given to Igor Simic (*1988 in Serbia) with the work Melancholic drone (2015). Furthermore, the jury comprised by Ferran Barenblit, Jaap Guldemond, Caroline H. Drake, David Armengol and Carlos Durán has also awarded an Honourable Mention to Ahold of Get the Things To (2014) by Daniel Jacoby (*1985 in Peru).
The award has been created with the aim to support and recognize the recent production of videos and films by international artists through an open call to the artistic community.
Daniel Jacoby, Daniel Monroy Cuevas, David Krippendorff, Igor Simic, Jani Ruscica, Lauren Moffatt, Louis Henderson, Paloma Polo, Pol González Novell, Stijn Demeulenaere, Johanna Reich.
At the evening of the opening, the new issue of EIKON (#97) will be launched.
EIKON Schaufenster: LOOP DISCOVER Award (2016)
When: March 4, 2017 – April 5, 2017, daily 10am–10pm
Opening: March 3, 2017, 7pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Anenue / Q21 in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Image: © Lauren Moffatt

Winter Salon (am 07.12.2016)
Together with C/O Vienna Magazine and instant-edition. Raum für aktuelle Editionen, EIKON invites all the magazine's readers and friends.
At the opening on December 7, 2016 at the Raum für aktuelle Editionen we want to get in the mood for Christmas in a cozy salon atmosphere (with music, food and drinks). Many artists will join the opening.
During the exhibition works by Edition EIKON and instant-edition can be purchased at best prices. Come by and find the perfect Christmas present!
Irene Andessner, Alexandra Baumgartner, Jordi Bernadó, Kirsten Borchert, Norbert Brunner, Daniele Buetti, Jan De Cock, Stefan Draschan, Thomas Draschan, Peter Dressler, Gottfried Ecker, Gregor Ecker, Lorenz Estermann, Annabelle Fürstenau, Rupprecht Geiger, Elisabeth Grübl, Manfred Grübl, HANAKAM & SCHULLER, Nan Hoover, Hermann Huber, Lukas M. Hüller, Anna Jermolaewa, Hildegard Joos, Herwig Kempinger, Anastasia Khoroshilova, Jürgen Klauke, Ronald Kodritsch, Zenita Komad, Moussa Kone, Sigrid Kurz, Paul Albert Leitner, Marlen Letetzki, Edgar Lissel, Franziska Maderthaner, Ángel Marcos, Sissa Micheli, Alois Mosbacher, Gerhardt Moswitzer, Gregor Neuerer, Walter Niedermayr, Ona B., Hermann J. Painitz, Manfred Peckl, Lukas Pusch, Hanns Otte, Wolfgang Raffesberg, Thomas Reinhold, Aura Rosenberg, Simona Rota, Patrick Schmierer, Martin Schnur, Elisabeth Schreiberhuber, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Christian Schwarzwald, Elfie Semotan, Deborah Sengl, STATION ROSE, Esther Stocker, Michael Strasser, Beat Streuli, Ingeborg Strobl, Sergei Sviatchenko, Jeanne Szilit, Ekkehard Tischendorf, Walter Vopava, Jan Voss, Nives Widauer, Andrea Witzmann, Erwin Wurm, Robert Zahornicky, Leo Zogmayer
Opening: Wednesday, December 7, 2016, 6pm
When: December 9–23, 2016
Friday, 3–7pm,
Saturday, 1–5pm
as well as by appointment (please contact us: office@eikon.at)
Where: instant-edition
Raum für aktuelle Editionen
Gumpendorferstraße 55/5
1060 Vienna
RSVP on Facebook

Special sub for Eyes On – Month of Photography Vienna (am 30.11.2016)
During the Month of Photography Vienna EIKON offers a Special sub for all fans of photography:
20% reduction on EIKON Annual Subscription (4 issues):
Austria: € 60,– —> € 50,–
EU, Overseas: € 72,– —> € 60,–
Rest of Europe: € 65,– —> € 54,–
Students (up to age 26):
Austria: € 30,– —> € 25,–
Europe: € 40,– —> € 33,–
Order your subscription via office@eikon.at
Offer expires 11.30.2016 (date of postmark).

Discursive Slide Show: Slides in Dialog. Subjects and Objects in Photography (am 18.11.2016)
Everyday Photography is often characterized by the paradoxical phenomenon, that they document the life of the photographer, but rarely show the photographer himself or herself.
This dichotomy of presence and absence at the same time is traced in the range of a slide show: projections from the archive of ORTHOCHROME – Archiv für analoge Alltagsfotografie, on which the photographers have been eternalized, are confronted with the original slides, which make no obvious conclusion of the authors in their standardized search of motives.
Individuality, the authenticity and being an author in the (everyday-) photography will be questioned, but also the reflection and reconsideration of the analogue media- and culture-technology.
Herbert Justnik, curator of the photo collection, Volkskundemuseum Wien
Friedrich Tietjen, freelance photo-, art- and culture scientist, Leipzig
Eva Tropper, scientific employee, GrazMuseum, Graz
An Event in the range of the exhibition “MOTIF – PHOTOGRAPHERS” at EIKON Schaufenster
Discursive Slide Show: Slides in Dialog. Subjects and Objects in Photography
When: November 18, 2016, 6pm
Where: Electric Avenue/Raum D, Q21 im MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien

EIKON Schaufenster: ORTHOCHROME. MOTIF - PHOTOGRAPHERS and launch of EIKON #96 (am 08.11.2016)
Founded by Claus Prokop, Roland Rust, and Karl Ulbl in 2004, “ORTHOCHROME. Archiv für analoge Alltagsfotografie” collects, digitizes, and archives private occasional photographs and slides, primarily from the1950s and 1960s. The objective is to prevent this material in which people recorded their own lives from falling into oblivion.
In most instances, the archive has no information about the photographers. Conspicuously, the majority of shots do not show the author himself or herself: the very person whose life the private photographs were meant to document is missing from the picture.
This characteristic ambivalence between the photographer’s presence and absence is at the heart of the exhibition MOTIF – PHOTOGRAPHERS. Yet the author is not always excluded from the photograph: a few pictures from the archive feature the photographer himself of herself. They are brought face to face with a selection of ostensibly trivial standard-issue shots by unidentified authors. The sample from the collection on view in the show stands as a pars pro toto for ORTHOCHROME’s archive; recurrent motifs without immediately recognizable personal implications contrast with (sometimes unintended) evidence of individuality.
At the evening of the opening, the new issue of EIKON (#96) will be launched.
An exhibition in the frame of Eyes On – Month of Photography Vienna
When: November 9, 2016 – February 28, 2017, daily 10am–10pm
Opening: November 8, 2016, 7pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Anenue / Q21 in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON Schaufenster: NOW AND TOMORROW: Detached and launch of EIKON #95 (am 13.09.2016)
The exhibition "Detached" explores a new possibility on the idea of reproduction—a process playing a key role in capitalism. The collage emphasizes the consecutive results of mass-production such as loss of originality, especially in art and is the method of choice of NOW AND TOMORROW. Simultaneously, the artists analyze newly formed, in other words, reproduced objects, and question the resurrection of their uniqueness after detaching them from their original context. In the unique space of the EIKON Schaufenster, the artists create a site-specific installation which separates the audience from the over-saturated, mundane environment of everyday life, while inviting us to have an innovative view on the correlation between everyday objects and ourselves.
NOW AND TOMORROW is an artist duo, founded by Sergei Sviatchenko (DK) and Noriko Okaku (UK/JP) in 2014. The artists met in July 2010 when Noriko Okaku visited Denmark. At their first meeting, the artists found out that both of them share the fascination for the magic of collage art, which naturally made them collaborate together.
At the evening of the opening, the new issue of EIKON (#95) will be launched.
EIKON Schaufenster: NOW AND TOMORROW: Detached
When: September 14–October 30, 2016, daily 10am–10pm
Opening: September 13, 2016, 7pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue / Q21 in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
RSVP on Facebook
Image: © Sergei Sviatchenko

EIKON Online Auction | 25 Years of EIKON (am 30.06.2016)
EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art, celebrates its 25th anniversary! On this occasion EIKON presents a special online auction: From now on you have the unique chance to buy exhibits of EIKON editions which are no longer available as well as selected works of artists which became friends with EIKON during the last 25 years. Don’t miss exclusive works of Bernhard Fuchs, Matthias Hoch, Arno Gisinger and many more!
EIKON Online Jubilee Auction
Start: Thursday, June 30, 2016, at noon
End: Wednesday, July 13, 2016, at noon
The auction ended on July 13, 2016.
Oliver Boberg, Jan de Cock, Thomas Florschuetz, Bernhard Fuchs, Arno Gisinger, Matthias Hoch, Helmut & Johanna Kandl, Anastasia Khoroshilova, Ángel Marcos, Mihael Milunović, Lois Renner, Annelies Strba, Sergei Sviatchenko, Robert Zahornicky
Photo: © Arno Gisinger

EIKON 25th anniversary celebration (am 28.06.2016)
EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art, celebrates its 25th anniversary! On this occasion the special publication “5 x 5. Photo Tracks” will be released, a comprehensive and elaborately produced reference book for contemporary photo art and theory, which will be launched on June 28, 2016 in the presence of all friends and supporters.
Anniversary and Launch of “5 x 5. Photo Tracks”, with contributions by David Bate, Linde B. Lehtinen, Steffen Siegel, Abigail Solomon-Godeau and Urs Stahel
When: Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Where: Ovalhalle / Q21 at MQ Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
7 pm
- Welcome speeches:
Carl Aigner (Founder of EIKON)
Gudrun Schreiber (Federal Chancellery of Austria, Head of visual arts, architecture, design, fashion, photography, video and media arts)
- Official speech: Gerald Bast (Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna)
- Presentation of the special publication “5 x 5. Photo Tracks”: Nela Eggenberger (Chief editor of EIKON)
8 pm
- Presentation of the URSULA BLICKLE Foundation by Maximilian Geymüller (member of the executive board)
- BLICKLE ARCHIVE SCREENING, curated by Claudia Slanar (Curator Ursula Blickle Video Archiv / 21er Haus) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of EIKON and URSULA BLICKLE Foundation
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EIKON Schaufenster: Elisabeth Grübl. Studio # and launch of EIKON #94 (am 24.05.2016)
"Elisabeth Grübl layers, stacks, orders and compresses—she puts loose material together in new ways until it finally stands in the room as a cuboid and in this form poses questions to those who look at it. For her work series Studio, under construction since 2007, Grübl takes over artists’ workshops and the objects she finds in them: art works, tools used for making art works, models of art works, models of rooms for exhibiting art works, chairs, tables, computers, monitors, books, bric-a-brac and treasures. All the objects that help the host artist to meet his or her purpose are arranged by Grübl in a process of several days into a very present form in the room. She photographs this sculpture and turns it into her own work." (Franz Thalmair in EIKON #86, 32)
A main article on the artist and her work was published in
EIKON #86.
At the evening of the opening, the new issue of EIKON (#94) will be launched.
EIKON Schaufenster: Elisabeth Grübl. Studio # and launch of EIKON #94
When: May 25–September 4, 2016, daily 10am–10pm
Opening: May 24, 2016, 7pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue / Q21 in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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Photo: Pressefoto Edition EIKON Studio #10 Zhou Tiehai (Shanghai) © ELISABETH GRÜBL

The need to document things in order to understand them as well as photography which obliges this desire are the center of Claudia Rohrauer’s artistic work.
Based on these thoughts, in her work EXPECTED ENCOUNTERS a woodland in Northeast Finland is turned into an experimental ground, dealing with expectations facing the unknown. Rohrauer explored the woods as a “projection screen” on several snowshoe hikes with a plastic instant camera. By blending introspection, reflection on media and pseudo-scientific methods Rohrauer creates a situational analysis: the artist herself, the camera, the film footage, the weather conditions as well as the snow turn into contributors to the work of art.
In the EIKON Schaufenster the artist creates an installation processing her experiences in Finland. In addition to the installation she shows the work NEW TERRITORY: acting as a counterpoint, this work gives us an impetus to understand photography as a method of discovering the world around us visually.
EIKON Schaufenster:
When: February 26–May 13, 2016, daily 10am–10pm
Opening: February 25, 2016, 7pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue / Q21 in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
A main article on the artist and her work is published in EIKON #93.
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Photo: © Claudia Rohrauer

EIKON New Year´s Party 2016 (am 18.01.2016)
EIKON would like to welcome the New Year with you.
On Monday, January 18, 2016 we cordially invite all the magazine’s friends to have a party at the EIKON office. Starting at 6pm we’re looking forward to welcome you.
EIKON New Year’s Party 2016
When: Monday, January 18, 2016 at 6pm
Where: EIKON office, Q21 in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Kulturbüros, 1st floor, Museumsplatz 1 / e–1.6, 1070 Vienna
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Photo: © Klaus Pichler

première vue (am 18.11.2015)
The productionsite—photo laboratories and framing studios—have been the first points of contact for young photo artists to present their work ever since, long before they see their works published by editors or galleries.
For this purpose, EIKON cooperated with HERR LEUTNER to get into contact with young talents in an early stage and support them. Therefore there will be a very special kind of a premiere: not only will there be presented works of Austria’s most promising young artists (in some cases this will be their first exhibition), but also—thanks to a generous patron—all of the production costs of the works (who will be given to the artists themselves afterwards) will be beared.
If you want to know, who will be the big names in the photographic future, you shouldn’t miss the chance to see the show in level_41.
Jamileh Azadfallah
Sebastian Köck
Bertram List
Hannah Mayr
Olena Newkryta
Claudia Rohrauer
Bastian Schwind
Opening: Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 7 pm
When: November 17—December 16, 2015
Location: level_41, Hotel Altstadt Vienna, Kirchengasse 41, 1070 Vienna
Visit by appointment (Phone 01/597 70 88, office@eikon.at)
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Photo: Maren Jeleff

EIKON Schaufenster: Barthes, 100 (am 10.11.2015)
In spring 1979 Roland Barthes died suddenly, his last book was Camera Lucida. The small book still holds its central role within the literature of photography, maybe because of this personal incident.
Due to the 100th birthday of Roland Barthes students from the Art and Photography Class read Camera Lucida again. The students react on aspects still fascinating 35 years after the book was published and after the radical change of the photographic medium in the 1970s.
This is a cooperation between EIKON and the Art and Photography Class, Academy of fine Arts, Vienna.
Concept by Ruth Horak, supervised by Michael Höpfner.
Žarko Aleksić
Katarina Balgavy
Ulrike Bollenberger
Ana Paula Franco
Stefanie Guserl
Anna Hostek
Olesya Kleymenova
Ernst Miesgang
Doris Panholzer
Sophie Pölzl
Patrick Schabus
Nora Severios
Mathias Swoboda
Sophie Thun
Daniela Zeilinger
EIKON Schaufenster: Barthes, 100
Opening: November 10, 2015, 7 pm
When: November 11, 2015 – February 14, 2016, daily 10 am – 10 pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, Q21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
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Photo: Sophie Pölzl

“5 x 5. Photo Tracks”. Latest rewards (am 24.10.2015)
Attached you can find our latest works our EIKON friends and artists donated us for “5 x 5. Photo Tracks”.
Our special thanks go to:
- Christoph Dahlhausen
- Arno Gisinger
- Herwig Kempinger
- Anastasia Khoroshilova
- John Hilliard
- Anja Manfredi
- Klaus Pamminger
- Klaus Pichler
- Roman Pfeffer
- Kamen Stoyanov & Timo Köster
- Sergei Sviatchenko
- Jeanne Szilit
For further information about our project “5 x 5. Photo Tracks” visit https://wemakeit.com/projects/5-x-5-photo-tracks
Photo: Klaus Pamminger

25 years of EIKON: be part of “5 x 5. Photo Tracks” (am 10.09.2015)
5 x 5 = 25. In other words: Five international experts trace a quarter of the history of photography by means of five artistic positions. The 25-year-anniversary of EIKON gives the reason to this.
As of now, you can support “5 x 5. Photo Tracks” and with this ensure one of our “rewards”: https://wemakeit.com/projects/5-x-5-photo-tracks
EIKON turns 25! An uncommonly advanced age for an art magazine—and we want to celebrate this with a special publication "5 x 5. Photo Tracks": with the help of five renowned photography experts, we want to create a comprehensive and elaborately produced reference book for contemporary photo art and theory—consisting of five books in a high-quality slipcase. With publishing this 200-page compendium, we seek to explore the path of recent, occasionally confusing, history of photography, and highlight its dominant themes.
To realise “5 x 5. Photo Tracks” we need the support of everyone who is interested in the contemporary art of photography. Your support will not be unrewarded: In return you get for example subscriptions at a special prize, workshops or photo works of high quality.
At this point we want to thank our friends for collaborating with us:
- Robert Faldner, Galerie Raum mit Licht, SaySaySay Inc. (trailer)
- FLUSS - NÖ Initiative für Foto- und Medienkunst, PolaWalk (workshops)
- Christoph Dahlhausen, John Hilliard, Herwig Kempinger, Klaus Pamminger, Roman Pfeffer, Klaus Pichler (donation of art works)
Without their support we could not offer so many great rewards.

EIKON Schaufenster: Hans-Jürgen Poëtz (am 03.09.2015)
The artistic activity of Hans-Jürgen Poëtz concentrates upon the discussion with the interactions, frictions and spaces of different media types (sound, sculpture/object, light, video, photography and architecture).
Digital information is transferred in an analogue picture. In the opened magazine EIKON (proportional four times enlarged) a stroke is to read in ‘computer language’. Binary code is the basis of digital information, the foundation of all electronic communication which happens by tension change – via the opposition of two principles, while states are generated by enclosed and not available tension. Information can be caught thus in the easy symbols of 0 and 1. The artist installs 96 rocker switcher in the EIKON Schaufenster for this project.
Hans-Jürgen Poëtz lives and works in Vienna.
A main article on the artist and his work is published in EIKON #91.
Opening: September 3, 2015, 7 pm
When: September 4–November 1, 2015, daily 10 am–10 pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, Q21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
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Photo: Hans-Jürgen Poëtz

Pas de Deux: „Artist Talk“ (am 21.08.2015)
German only!

5 x 5. Photo Tracks by EIKON nominated for the Bank Austria Art Award (am 12.08.2015)
As one of 32 projects the special publication for EIKON’s 25th anniversary called 5 x 5. Photo Tracks got nominated for the newly designed crowdfunding campaign of the Bank Austria Art Award (total funding 110,000 euros).
2016 EIKON celebrates its 25th anniversary with an extensive and high quality reference work about contemporary photographic art and its research fields–a compilation of five books in a slipcase. For 5 x 5. Photo Tracks we invited five outstanding experts (like Abigail Solomon-Godeau) to choose five artistic positions, and to create a work about the main questions of photography. With publishing this 200 page-publication EIKON wants to pave a way through the youngest and often non-transparent history of photography and to highlight its dominating topics.
Thanks to the nomination for the Bank Austria Art Award a third of the production costs (11,500 EUR) is guaranteed. For the rest, EIKON needs the help from readers, customers, cooperation partners and friends to financially support our project (from 10 EUR up) and who can choose exquisite “rewards” (like workshops, original prints and of course the special publication itself).
To the crowdfunding campaign on wemakeit (online from September 10, 2015).
To the preview (online until September 9, 2015).
To the trailer.
Thank you so much for your support!

Arnulf Rainer. Ö1 day trip to Baden (am 25.07.2015)
- Meet & Greet with Arnulf Rainer in Baden
- Special guiding though the Arnulf Rainer Museum with Rüdiger Andorfer, director of the museum, Direktor des Hauses, in the presence of the artist
- lunch together with Arnulf Rainer and his family
number of participants: up to 30 persons
price per person: € 60,– / Ö1 Club members: € 55,–
included services:
- transfer
- entry and guiding
- EIKON publication: Arnulf Rainer
not included:
- consumption at lunch
Meet Arnulf Rainer. Ö1 day trip to Baden
Where: Saturday, July 25, 2015
Meeting Point: Vienna, Inner City (detailed information after reservation), 10am
Consulting and booking:
EIKON, Museumsplatz 1/e–1.6, 1070 Vienna
T (01) 597 70 88
Keyword: Ö1 day trip
In cooperation with the Arnulf Rainer Museum
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Photo: © Christian Wind

Pas de Deux (am 10.06.2015)
The exhibition Pas de Deux is created in collaboration with EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art and The School for Artistic Photography Vienna (School Friedl Kubelka) and in cooperation with KUNST HAUS WIEN. Students enrolled in this year’s program of the School Friedl Kubelka are invited to choose one work from the edition series of EIKON, to engage with this work and to take it as the starting point for the development of a new art work.
With works of:
Aljoscha Ambrosch, Irene Andessner, Ona B., Chiara Bartl-Salvi, Katharina Beran, Daniele Buetti, Christoph Dahlhausen, Christian Eiselt, Thomas Florschuetz, Carolina Frank, Marlene Göntgen, Anne-Laure Guichard, Anais Horn, Luisa Hübner, Belinda Kazeem, Anastasia Khoroshilova, Jürgen Klauke, Sebastian Köck, Sigrid Kurz, Paul Albert Leitner, Mira Loew, Katharina Manojlovic, Malena Martinez, Sissa Micheli, Walter Niedermayr, Anja Nowak, Gabriel Pendl, Andrea Pollach, Leonard Prochazka, Wolfgang Raffesberg, Arnulf Rainer, Aura Rosenberg, Werner Schrödl, Patrick Winkler, Andrea Witzmann, Leo Zogmayer
Opening: June 10, 2015, 7 pm
When: June 11–August 27, 2015, daily from 10 am–7 pm
Where: KUNST HAUS WIEN, Untere Weißgerberstraße 13, 1030 Vienna
Photo: © Leonard Prochazka

EIKON Schaufenster: Barbara Kapusta (am 28.05.2015)
EIKON Schaufenster: Barbara Kapusta
When: May 29 –August 23, 2015, daily 10 am–10 pm
Opening: May 28, 2015, 7 pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Exhibition as part of Destination Wien 2015 EXTENDED
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Photo: © Barbara Kapusta

EIKON Easter Bonus (am 10.04.2015)
Happy Easter with EIKON:
If you order a subscription of EIKON until April 10, 2015, you'll get a surprise gift with the first issue for free!
Please send your orders to office@eikon.at or use our online form.

EIKON Schaufenster: Michael Part (am 26.02.2015)
Michael Part’s work is created by becoming intensely involved in photo-chemical processes. The artist produces his monochromatic green pictures by the procedure of staining. In this project the stained gelatin is directly applied to the EIKON Schaufenster’s glass front, and is hereby subjected to light exposure. The malachite oxalate, which has not been commercially used now for some time due to its poor light fastness, changes constantly during the time of presentation. This creates new shades of color. The gelatin coating alters under the viewer’s very eyes.
EIKON Schaufenster: Michael Part
When: February 27–May 15, 2015, daily 10 am–10 pm
Opening: February 26, 2015, 7 pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster , Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
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Photo: © Georg Petermichl

NEIN zu 20% Mehrwertsteuer auf kulturelle Dienstleistungen! (am 26.01.2015)
German only!

DANIELE BUETTI available now at Edition EIKON - Presentation on Dezember 4, 2014, 6:30pm (am 04.12.2014)
We are pleased to present a new artwork by Daniele Buetti as part of Edition EIKON. This edition, limited to 20 prints, will be launched together with the artist on December 4, 2014 at Galerie Ernst Hilger in Vienna.
Flags are the starting point of this latest series of Daniele Buetti. They are “national symbols and are usually organized geometrically and constructively […] and make use of strong primary colours. Buetti takes them up in order to turn their intention into its opposite. By increasing their intensity he empties their massage.” (Thomas D. Trummer, EIKON #88)
5, 2014
from the series FLAGS
inkjetprint on hand made paper
64 x 52 cm
numbered and signed
Edition: 20 + V
Price: € 1.800,- (incl. 10% VAT)
Order now!
Presentation: Edition EIKON Daniele Buetti
When: Thursday, December 4, 2014, 6:30pm
Where: Galerie Ernst Hilger, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna

Artist-in-Residence Presentation: Orit Ishay (am 22.11.2014)
International artists have the opportunity to live and work at quartier21 as Artists-in-Residence. By now, eight live/work studios are available in the MQ complex. EIKON has invited Orit Ishay, an Israeli photo, video and installation artist, to be Artist-in-Residence at quartier21/MQ in November. As part of the Vienna Art Week, the artist will give the interested public an insight into her current work.
New images are combined and melded with old ones; over time, a new location develops, which could be anywhere and nowhere in equal measure, and which is a metaphor for ever-present globalization. Through her actions, the artist seeks to break open political and social structures and discuss issues of time and space.
Artist-in-Residence Presentation: Orit Ishay
When: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1–6pm
Where: MQ Hof 7, Staatsratshof, Artist studios 501–513, 1pm
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Photo: © Orit Ishay

The compromise with reality is something I still need to find (am 13.11.2014)
For this year’s European Month of Photography, EIKON collaborates with LORIS, the Berlinbased producers’ gallery working on the methodological interfaces of photography, video, and installation art.
EIKON sends the art of two young Austrian photographers to the gallery’s space in Berlin; conversely, the artists behind LORIS will show
their work at the EIKON Schaufenster. The presentation in Vienna takes up the general theme of Berlin’s Month of Photography, “Upheavals and Utopias—The Other Europe,” with an exploration of the German capital.
The artists believe that “Upheavals and Utopias,” far from being purely contemporary phenomena, are pervasive in history. The title of their exhibition, The compromise with reality is something I still need to find, frames a similar idea: Can a process of profound change ever reach a conclusion? Might not the principle of social progress imply that every upheaval begets a new utopia—that after the transition is before the transition?
The works examine concrete instances of systemic change as manifest in international urban planning as well as the “coming of age” as a phase of profound change in the individual biography, and address questions of originality and derivativeness in performative experiments that deconstruct the utopian idea of an “integral whole.”
participating artists:
Sophie Aigner, Ulrike Hannemann, Andy Heller, Ruth Hommelsheim, Ulrike Kolb, Oliver Krebs, Julia Müller, Nina Wiesnagrotzki
EIKON Schaufenster: The compromise with reality is something I still need to find
When: November 14, 2014–February 13, 2015, daily 10am–10 pm
Opening: November 13, 2014, 7 pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster , Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
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Photo: © Sophie Aigner

20% reduction on all EIKON subs! (am 13.10.2014)
EIKON Special Sub for the European Month of Photography: 20% Reduction!
Annual Subscription (4 issues, German/English):
- Austria: € 50,- instead of € 60,-
- EU, Overseas: € 60,- instead of € 72,-
- Rest of Europe: € 54,- instead of €65,-
Students (up to age 26):
- Austria: € 25,- instead of € 30,-
- Europe: € 33,- instead of € 40,-
Offer expires 11.30.2014!
Write an email to office@eikon.at with the subject "EIKON Special Sub".

Markus Oberndorfer & Gregor Sailer: Crossers (am 11.10.2014)
On the occasion of the European Month of Photography, the Vienna-based EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art will carry out what is, in many respects, a cross-border artists exchange in cooperation with Loris – Gallery for Contemporary Art in Berlin: The Loris photo artists will exhibit in Vienna, and, in return, EIKON will present works by artists with ties to the magazine in the gallery in Berlin. Under the subject of Upheavals and Utopias, EIKON has chosen two young Austrian artists who deal with political or social boundaries.
Markus Oberndorfer traces the Atlantic Wall in Cap Ferret, which was built to protect the Third Reich against the Allies. His work shows how people today relate to this historic fortification.
In contrast, Gregor Sailer enters hermetically sealed residential areas, whose development is intimately connected with the challenges of the 21st century: dwindling resources, political conflicts or the wish for absolute security.
Markus Oberndorfer & Gregor Sailer: Crossers
An exhibition curated by EIKON
Opening: October 10, 2014, 7pm
When: October 11–November 8, 2014, Thursday–Friday 2 – 7pm, Saturday 12am – 5pm
Where: Loris – Gallery for Contemporary Art, Potsdamer Straße 65, 10785 Berlin
With the kind support of Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin
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UNFRAMED (am 09.09.2014)
"What the frame achieves for the artwork is that it symbolises and bolsters the twofold function of its border — protection from outside and a united merging of the content within. It excludes settings and so also the viewer from the artwork, placing it at the right distance for it to be enjoyed as an aesthetic experience." (Georg Simmel)
Does the frame really create the distance required to experience an artwork aesthetically—i.e. sensually? Or does it not tend to hamper its reception by excluding the viewer and keeping them at a distance? This is the question UNFRAMED would like to discuss. Works are shown that engage with, in the broadest sense, photographic surfaces. Instead, though, of being held at a distance as is usually the case, visitors here literally come into contact with the artworks—by means of a playful approach to their display. UNFRAMED engages with lifting the dichotomy between the artwork on the one side and the viewer on the other. The aim is to bring the artwork to the body, to break open the frame and to overcome the traditionally prescribed distance. The mechanisms of the market are similarly challenged in UNFRAMED: artworks here can be purchased in the "classical" manner (even at affordable prices), while an Art Swap also provides both visitors and artists with an opportunity to renegotiate their values.
A cooperation between Galerie Raum mit Licht and EIKON
When: September 9—19, 2014, Tuesday—Friday 11am—6pm, Saturday 11am—2pm
ART SWAP: Tuesday, September 9 & Friday, September 19, 4—6pm
Where: Galerie Raum mit Licht, Kaiserstraße 32, 1070 Wien
Participating artists:
Georg Aerni, Iris Andraschek, Michael Aschauer, Stella Bach, Gottfried Bechtold, Wout Berger, Renate Bertlmann, Nadja Bournonville, Vera Brandner, Georgia Creimer, Christoph Dahlhausen, Katrina Daschner, Inge Dick, Gregor Ecker, Titanilla Eisenhart, eSeL, Lorenz Esterman, VALIE EXPORT, Jonas Feferle, Karin Fisslthaler, Thomas Florschuetz, Thomas Freiler, Laura Gaar, G.R.A.M., Elisabeth Grübl, Harald Gsaller, Käthe Hager von Strobele, Caroline Heider, Stephan Hilge, Tamara Horáková + Ewald Maurer, Bernhard Hosa, Edgar Honetschläger, Lukas Maximilian Hüller, Judith Huemer, Alfredo Jaar, Herwig Kempinger, Anastasia Khoroshilova, Ernst Koslitsch, Friedl Kubelka <> Friedl vom Gröller, Hans Kupelwieser, Sigrid Kurz, Paul Kranzler, Paul Albert Leitner, Branko Lenart, Ulrike Lienbacher, Edgar Lissel, Sabine Maier, Leonard Mandl, Anja Manfredi, Michael Mastrototaro, Michael Mauracher, Andreas Müller, Nasya Kopteva & Sasha Braulov, Martin Osterider, Klaus Pamminger, Philipp Pesserl, Roman Pfeffer, Klaus Pichler, Lisl Ponger, Prinzgau/podgorschek, Abigail Reynolds, Ingrid Sandsborg, Lindsay Seers, Elfie Semotan, Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch, Jemima Stehli, Kamen Stoyanov, Michael Strasser, Ingeborg Strobl, Rini Tandon, Klaus Taschler, Josef Wais, Elisabeth Wildling, Robert Zahornicky, Gregor Zivic, Leo Zogmayer et al.
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EIKON Schaufenster: BEZUGSRAHMEN (am 04.09.2014)
For topical reasons, EIKON Schaufenster—a presentation area for Photography and Media Art—transforms into an alleged blank space, where empty frames are shown. These (picture)frames offer the possibility to establish a connection between a presentation and exhibition space and the viewer. On the one hand, they are used to reference to UNFRAMED (September 9—19, 2014, Galerie Raum mit Licht), where unframed art will be made consumable. On the other hand, the blank space invites the spectator to create his own reference: They force him to combine different elements, because relation isn’t given beforehand. Not least, it deals with active interaction, which connects the small-format surrogates of Edition EIKON with the allocated frame.
About Edition EIKON
The “Austrian Insitute for Photography and Media Art” has been publishing the Edition EIKON since 1995. Signed and numbered original photographs by prominent and up-and-coming artists are offered in limited editions. The goal of this initiative is to offer quality art at affordable prices and, by doing so, introducing more and more people to photography and encouraging them to collect. By way of a cautious selection of the artist and limiting the editions to a run of around thirty, a good investment basis is created, ensuring an increase in value in the long term.
With pleasure we show you the original editions, please email us at office@eikon.at.
All editions are available at www.eikon.at or shop.eikon.at.
Opening: Donnerstag, 4. September 2014, 19:00 Uhr
Duration: 5.9.2014 – 5.11.2014, täglich 10:00 – 22:00 Uhr
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ Wien
With the kind support of Pass'Partout Bilderrahmen Wien
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Photo © Thomas Florschuetz

Magazine Launch EIKON #87 (am 04.09.2014)
At the start of the autumn season EIKON invites you to the launch of the new issue EIKON #87!
EIKON #87 contains main articles on F&D Cartier, Andrés Galeano, Michael Mauracher, Julie Monaco and Robert Zahornicky.
Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein was the curator of this issue's “In Focus” and invited Abigail Solomon-Godeau for an interview to discuss “Spaces of the Feminist Self”. Gunda Achleitner, Frank Wagner and Gerald Piffl talk about the European Month of Photography on the occasion of its tenth anniversary in the section “Forum”.
Furthermore: current announcements, exhibition reviews, and much more.
The Magazine Launch takes place together with the opening of BEZUGSRAHMEN at the EIKON Schaufenster.
Magazine Launch EIKON #87
When: Thursday, September 4, 2014, 7pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ Vienna
Order EIKON #87 now!

Jürgen Klauke. Experimentelle Neurose (am 04.06.2014)
On the occasion of MQ Summer of Sounds 2014, EIKON presents the performance and photographic artist JÜRGEN KLAUKE in the Electric Avenue. During the festival EIKON Schaufenster will be a satellite of the show “Connecting Sound Etc. Cable Works, Cable Sounds, Cables Everywhere” in freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL. Therefore, EIKON Schaufenster connects to the theme of the exhibition curated by Georg Weckwerth, where works of Klauke will also be shown.
Jürgen Klauke. Experimentelle Neurose
An event in the course of MQ Summer of Sounds in cooperation with quartier21/MQ
Opening: Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 5pm
Duration: June 5, 2014–August 24, 2014, daily 10am–10pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ Vienna
RSVP on facebook
Here you find an interview from MQ Summer of Sounds.
Photo © Jürgen Klauke / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Magazine Launch EIKON #86 (am 04.06.2014)
EIKON presents the latest issue EIKON #86!
The Magazine Launch takes place together with the Opening of Jürgen Klauke at the EIKON Schaufenster.
In EIKON #86 there are contributions about Moyra Davey, Elisabeth Grübl, Ira Lombardía, Damir Očko and the artist duo Six/Petritsch. The focus of this issue is on the artist book (“The Book as a Work as an Exhibition as a Book” curated by Regine Ehleiter and Delphine Bedel). Sabine Breitwieser is interviewed by Maria Rennhofer and reports on her plans for the future of MdM Salzburg. Current reports, exhibition and book reviews complete this issue.
Magazine Launch EIKON #86
When: Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 5pm
Where: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ Vienna
Order EIKON #86 now!

Markus Jeschaunig: Barrel You! (am 04.03.2014)
EIKON invites to the opening of Markus Jeschaunig's exhibition and presents the double issue EIKON #84–85!
EIKON #84–85 presents itself not only with new contents but in a new look. On more than 130 pages, it shows new categories, a specific focus in each issue and of course a new layout.
Markus Jeschaunig dealt with the direct materiality and the excessive consumption of fossil fuels.
Petroleum installation, 2013
An installation in the form of a large hourglass that is filled with a resource we never see in its pure form, but strongly dominates our daily lives: petroleum.
The installation makes the resource of crude oil visible in its pure form, dropping towards the future and finite end of it. The volume of the upper glass bottle is two-tenths of a barrel (1 bbl. = 158.987294928 Liters), the international trading unit of petroleum. The drip interval is matching with the exhibition period and lets dropping down about 32 liters of the precious raw material continuously.
Further information: www.agencyinbiosphere.com
Opening: Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 7pm
Duration: March 5, 2014–May 23, 2014, daily 10am–10pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ Vienna
RSVP on facebook

Magazine Launch EIKON #84–85 (am 04.03.2014)
EIKON presents the double issue EIKON #84–85!
EIKON #84–85 presents itself not only with new contents but in a new look. On more than 130 pages, it shows new categories, a specific focus in each issue and of course a new layout.
Opening: Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 7pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ Vienna, event together with Station Rose
After Party at Café Espresso in Burggasse 57 from 10pm onwards!

EIKON New Year`s Party 2014 (am 16.01.2014)
EIKON welcomes the New Year with a drink!
On Thursday, January 16, 2014, we invite all friends of our magazine to have a party at the EIKON editorial office!
Starting at 7.00 pm, we are looking forward to meeting you!
When: Thursday, January 16, 2014, 7.00 pm
Where: EIKON editorial office, quartier21 / Museumsquartier, Kulturbüros, 1. Stock, Museumsplatz 1 / e - 1.6, 1070 Wien
RSVP on facebook

PANEL DISCUSSION Casinò dell´Arte (am 11.12.2013)
In the context of the exhibition FRAGILE curated by EIKON a panel discussion will be hosted by EIKON.
° Jacqueline NOWIKOVSKY
curated by EIKON
supported by BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary & KUNSTTRANS
Idee & Konzept: Nela Eggenberger und Gregor Eggenberger
When: Wednesday, Dezember 11th 2013, 7.00 p.m.
Where: BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary, Franz Josefs Kai 3, 1010 Vienna
The panel discussion will be held in German only!
RSVP on facebook
Photo: © Nela Eggenberger und Gregor Eggenberger

Opening FRAGILE curated by EIKON (am 27.11.2013)
An experimental approach to an exhibition
In this show, without a doubt, art is being showcased. But not in the conventional way. In “FRAGILE”, organised by EIKON on the occasion of BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary’s move from its rooms at Franz Josefs Kai 3, the presentation merges into the practice of art installation. The photographs, without exception by artists associated with the magazine, are transformed into something like minimalist objects. This intervention could well conceal a witty commentary on the role of the curator as crown prince of the art market’s operating system. Certainly, in any case, with the result that all sixty artworks, under their new off-the-peg clothes, can no longer be so easily recognised and identified. And this results, in turn, in the artefacts suddenly presenting themselves to the viewer as extremely profane objects of speculation, which call out for investment. For here art, so disdainful, can be bought, and under conditions that would be seen, according to the rules normally controlling the art market, as clearly fragile, indeed dubious. The potential buyer will need to ponder such questions as, “How does art actually come to be priced? And how at just this price? Who decides what it will be?”
Participating Artists:
Georg Aerni / Irene Andessner / Jordi Bernadó / Stéphane Couturier / Christoph Dahlhausen / Jan De Cock / Peter Dressler / Lorenz Estermann / Thomas Florschuetz / Thomas Freiler / G.R.A.M. / Manfred Grübl / Markus Guschelbauer / Nan Hoover / Hermann Huber / Judith Huemer / Lukas M. Hüller / Helmut & Johanna Kandl / Herwig Kempinger / Anastasia Khoroshilova / Jürgen Klauke / Sigrid Kurz / Marie-Jo Lafontaine / Tatiana Lecomte / Paul Albert Leitner / Marko Lipuš / Edgar Lissel / Ernst Logar / Anja Manfredi / Ángel Marcos / Brian McKee / Sissa Micheli / Mihael Milunović / Julie Monaco / Gerhardt Moswitzer / Walter Niedermayr / Markus Oberndorfer / Ona B. / Roman Pfeffer / Klaus Pichler / Wolfgang Raffesberg / Arnulf Rainer / Aura Rosenberg / Simona Rota / Gregor Sailer / Eva Schlegel / Werner Schrödl / Elfie Semotan / Paul M. Smith / Kamen Stoyanov / Michael Strasser / Jeanne Szilit / Borjana Ventzislavova / Massimo Vitali / Anita Witek / Andrea Witzmann / Erwin Wurm / Robert Zahornicky / Gregor Zivic / Leo Zogmayer
curated by EIKON
supported by BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary & KUNSTTRANS
idea & concept: Nela Eggenberger and Gregor Eggenberger
opening: Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 7pm
exhibition duration: November 28, 2013–Dezember 15, 2013
open daily 2pm to 8pm
BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary, Franz Josefs Kai 3, 1010 Wien
www.eikon.at | www.bawagpskcontemporary.at
RSVP on facebook

PODIUMSDISKUSSION „Bebilderte Welt. Dokumentarische Formen des visuellen Berichtens in Kunst, Ethnografie und Fotojournalismus“* (am 21.11.2013)

On November 14, 2013 EIKON presents Walter Niedermayr´s video work “The Replicants” at EIKON SchAUfenster.
The change in alpine landscape through human activities is a permanent feature of Niedermayr`s artwork. In his work, Walter Niedermayr weakens the ideal of an untouched natural landscape, and brings the effects of winter tourism in focus. Mostly done in polyptychs, his photographic series forbid the usual point of view of a landscape as a panorama and forces the recipient to a new perception. Niedermayr regards his work not merely as a criticism of the handling with landscape. It`s up to the recipients to express their criticism.
“The alpine space is a topography where society manifests itself in an exemplary way in the most diverse variations of our consumer world.”–Walter Niedermayr
More information on the artist and his work in EIKON #83. Furthermore EIKON offers a new limited Edition EIKON of Walter Niedermayr:
Walter Niedermayr
Hintertuxergletscher 55
Diptych, pigment prints, 2012/2013
each 33 x 43 cm
Installation Measurements: 68 x 43 cm
numbered and signed
Edition: 25 + V
Subscription Price until November 15, 2013: € 1.600,- (incl. 10% VAT)
Available from November 1, 2013! Advance Order possible!
Price: € 1.760,00 (incl. 10% VAT)
Opening: Thursday, November 14, 2013, 7pm
Duration: November 15, 2013–February 2, 2014, daily 10am – 10pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ Vienna

Magazine Launch EIKON #83 (am 03.09.2013)
The latest EIKON Issue is out now!
On September 3, 2013 we launched EIKON #83!
In addition there was the opening of Roberta Lima's exhibition in the EIKON SchAUfenster!
The relationship between body and space is a main focus in Roberta Lima’s work – as well as the use of media as a reflection of the representation of art. This relationship leads to an examination of the function of galleries, which the artist not only use as a space for displaying artworks, but also as a site for production. Electrical appliances, such as computers, cameras, printers, etc. become co-performers to investigate mass media communication and reproduction.
Opening: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 7pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ

EIKON PhotoBrunch (am 30.06.2013)
A panel discussion within the scope of the exhibition “The Amber Road Show”.
EIKON and FLUSS invite you to the annual EIKON PhotoBrunch on June 30, 2013, this time on the subject “Straßengeschichte(n)”. The event is scheduled parallel the exhibition “The Amber Road Show”, which will be shown till July 28, 2013 at FLUSS in Wolkersdorf. After the panel discussion you’ll also have the possibility to visit the exhibition by shuttle bus.
Schloss Wolkersdorf is the first stop of a tour of the show through the Amber Trade Route.
Martin Breindl (artist and curator),
Elisabeth Schiller (director of the society “Die österreichische Bernsteinstraße”),
Eva Ursprung (artist),
Martin Wildenberg (expert of sustainability, Global 2000).
Nela Eggenberger (EIKON)
(The discussion will be conducted in German.)
EIKON PhotoBrunch
When: Sunday, June 30, 2013, start: 10:30 am
Where: Room d, Electric Avenue, quartier21/Museumsquartier, 1070 Vienna
Please register for the shuttle bus to Wolkersdorf and write an email until June 26, 2013 to info@fotofluss.at.

Magazine Launch EIKON #82 & Opening EIKON SchAUfenster (am 14.05.2013)
We are looking forward to seeing you at the opening!
The essence of the various medial realizations of Sissa Micheli's artworks—photography, film, installations and sculptural objects—is the complex and epic level of meaning. What you can see always refers to something else—to a continuation of the story, to an additional readability or one or more further interpretations. Micheli’s profound curiosity and innocent amazement—related to the ancient “wondering about”—is the philosophical base for questioning existence. She questions the familiar, common, and apparently obvious and turns it on its own axis, as to control their significance—always serious, generally with a desire for stories, for the visual (arts) and always with a hint of irony. Her strategy is to reveal and to hide respectively dress up likewise. (Christina Nägele)
Opening: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 7pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ

Magazine Launch EIKON #81 & Opening EIKON SchAUfenster (am 21.02.2013)
Finally there is certainty: The latest issue EIKON #81 will be launched on Thursday, February 21! In addition, the new exhibition at EIKON SchAUfenster by Klaus Pichler will be open up!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the opening!
EIKON SchAUfenster: Klaus Pichler
According to a UN study one third of the world's food goes to waste - the largest part thereof in the industrialized nations of the global north. Equally, 925 million people around the world are threatened by starvation. The series One Third describes the connection between individual wastage of food and globalized food production. Rotting food, arranged into elaborate still lifes, portrays an abstract picture of the wastage of food whilst the accompanying texts take a more in depth look at the roots of this issue. One Third goes past the sell by date in order to document the full dimensions of the global food waste.
In cooperation with Anzenberger Gallery
When: Thursday, February 21, 2013, 6 pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ

EIKON SchAUfenster Opening: Michael Strasser: Reconfigured (am 06.12.2012)
On December 6, Michael Strasser opens up his new exhibition "Reconfigured" at EIKON SchAUfenster:
Michael Strasser’s project “Solitaire” was realised in the Slovenian town of Serdica in 2012 and documents both the deconstruction of an abandoned house, unused for more than two decades as well as the process of arranging the material of the dismantled house back on its old foundations, creating an On-Site installation.
In the EIKON SchAUfenster, Strasser presents one possible version of history by using material from his large archive of remains, finds, documentation and research material.
When: December 6, 2012, 6 pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, Museumsquartier, 1070 Vienna

The latest Edition EIKON: Michael Strasser: Look-out (am 06.12.2012)
Within the scope of the opening oft he new exhibition at EIKON SchAufenster, we are pleased to present the latest Edition EIKON by Michael Strasser: Look-out from the series „Woodworks“.
When: December 6, 2012, 6 pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, 1070 Vienna
Edition EIKON: Michael Strassser: Look-out ... order now!

Christmas Party (am 06.12.2012)
On December 6, following the opening of the exhibition at the EIKON SchAUfenster by Michael Strasser, EIKON invites to the annual Christmas Party. This time we celebrate in the room d in the Electric Avenue, providing good mood, finde drinks and culinary delights - thanks to our long-time supporter and good friend Roland Neugebauer.
When: Thursday, December 6, 2012, 6 pm
Where: room d, Electric Avenue, Museumsquartier, 1070 Vienna

Magazine Launch EIKON #80 (am 23.11.2012)
Sorry, German only!

The latest Edition EIKON: Simona Rota (am 23.11.2012)
With the series “Ostalgia”, currently on show at Architekturzentrum Wien, the Rumanian-Spanish artist Simona Rota draws up a typology of architectural demonstrations of power in the former Soviet republics and their successor states. We are looking forward to offer all photography collectors an outstanding work of this noteworthy series in a limited edition.
Edition EIKON: Simona Rota, Yerevan, Armenia, Fountain at the Yerevan Sports and Concerts Hall, from the series “Ostalgia”, 2011/2012 … order now!

EIKON dishes up (am 20.11.2012)
Within the frame of the Vienna Art Week, EIKON dishes up a broccoli soup at DiDi-Day on November 20, 2012! Moreover you will receive a poster of the current exhibition at EIKON SchAUfenster by Martin Osterider!
When: Tuesday, November 20, 2012; start: 6 pm
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21, MQ

Subscription Special on the occasion of the European Month of Photography (am 16.10.2012)
On the occasion of this year’s European Month of Photography, EIKON launches a Subscription Special:
Subscribe to EIKON* until November 30, 2012 by the latest and receive two presents: EIKON issue #80 (November 2012) and two MQ Duo Tickets, each valid for one Person for free entrance to mumok and Leopold Museum.
* To subscribe to this EIKON Special, just send an email with the subject “EIKON MdF Special” to office@eikon.at until November 30, 2012 by the latest.

EIKON FotoFrühstück (am 30.09.2012)
On September 30, EIKON and FLUSS invite to a panel discussion and the final presentation of the symposium „Strategies in Rural Space“ (September 27-29): the annual EIKON FotBrunch starts at 10:30 am.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Richard Frankenberger (K.U.L.M.)
Josef Schick (Kulturvernetzung Niederösterreich)
Andrea Sodomka (FLUSS)
Moderation: Elisabeth M. Gottfried (EIKON)
EIKON FotoBrunch
When: Sunday, September 30, 2012, start: 10:30 am
Where: Room d, Electric Avenue, quartier21/Museumsquartier, 1070 Vienna

EIKON SchAUfenster Eröffnung & EIKON #79 Heftpräsentation (am 04.09.2012)
On September 4, parallel to the magazine launch EIKON #79, the new exhibition at EIKON SchAUfenster: “Martin Osterider: inside clouds” opens up.
Martin Osterider (*1964) converts the EIKON SchAUfenster into a space installation using photographs and other graphic materials. In doing so photographs and images from different cultural as well as local contexts are put in relation to one another and will be enmeshed in a collage formally as well as with regard to contents. In this way new photographic objects and pictorial worlds arise and open up a room for association and novel legibility.
EIKON SchAUfenster Opening: „Martin Osterider: inside clouds“
When: September 4, 2012 at 7pm
Where: Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Duration of the exhibition: September 4 – November 30, 2012
More about Martin Osterider in EIKON #79

f ii nissage - !! - unscreened footages (am 30.08.2012)
Within the scope of the finissage of the current exhibition “!!” at the EIKON SchAUfenster, EIKON and Schule Friedl Kubelka (School Friedl Kubelka) invite to an Open Screening on August 30. On view will be works by recent graduates of the class for independent film (under the direction of Friedl Cubelka) and the class for fine art photography (under the direction of Anja Manfredi).
f ii nissage - !! -
When: August 30, 2012 at 7:30pm
Where: Room D, Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON SchAUfenster Opening & Magazine Launch EIKON #78 (am 08.05.2012)
On May 8 we proudly present both, the latest issue EIKON #78 as well as the new exhibition at EIKON SchAUfenster will open up: within the fram of the “MQ Summer of Fashion”, the EIKON SchAUfenster will be arranged with works by students of artistic photography and independent film under the direction of Anja Manfredi and Friedl Kubelka.
Under the title “!!” the up-and-coming artists will present current works on “Art and Fashion”. The content of the conceptual works embraces essential reflections to philosophical thought-provoking impulses. Questions concerning identification and individualisation of and through clothing accumulate critical contemplations about social norms, constraints and liberties. By reference to cinematic and photographic contributions the presentation of the human being as the main actor of our consumer society is addressed as well as the self-reinforcing phenomenon fashion itself, fashion as an expression of personality as well as tool of self-staging.
When: May 8, 2012 at 7pm
Where: Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Duration of the exhibition: May 9 – August 29, 2012

Book Launch: alien productions. in state of transition (am 14.02.2012)
The latest EIKON Publication “alien productions. in state of transition” is out now!
alien productions. in state of transition summarizes “the crosslinking of analog and digital languages” and the “artistic action as a multilayered communication process (…) in intriguing cross-references.” (Werner Fenz)
texts by Werner Fenz, Daniel Gilfillan, José Iges and Marta Smolinska
format: 254 x 210 mm,
224 pages, brochure, incl. audio CD, German/English
ISBN: 978-3-902250-65-0
EUR 34,50
Book Launch "alien productions. in state of transition"
When: Tuesday, March 29, 2012, 7pm
Where: Kunstraum NOE, Herrengasse 13, 1014 Vienna
We are looking forward to seeing you there!

EIKON SchAUfenster Opening & EIKON #77 Magazine Launch (am 13.02.2012)
On February 21 the latest issue EIKON #77 will be launched as well as the new exhibition at EIKON SchAUfenster, this time showcasing "disco nature" by the young artist Markus Guschelbauer, will be open up.
Magazine Lauch EIKON #77 & EIKON SchAUfenster Opening: Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 7pm
Exhibition Duration: February 22 - May 3, 2012
Where: EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
EIKON #77 order now

EIKON X-Mas Party (am 14.12.2011)
The EIKON-Team wants to thank you for your support and interest in EIKON and its activities throughout the whole year. Therefore we are pleased to invite you to our annual Christmas Party on December 15! Hot punch, cookies and good Christmas cheer will be provided!
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
When: Thursday, December 15, 2011, 6pm
Where: EIKON office, quartier21 / Museumsquartier, Kulturbüros, 1. Stock, Museumsplatz 1 / e - 1.6, 1070 Vienna

EIKON SchAUfenster Opening & EIKON #76 Magazine Launch (am 17.11.2011)
EIKON SchAUfenster Opening and EIKON #76 Magazine Launch
Within the scope of the DiDo-Day, which is part of the Vienna Art Week, the current issue EIKON # 76 will be presented on November 17.
Julia Müller-Maenher und Astrid Peterle question with their work Poundbury the anachronism, which the colony Poundbury, an urban expansion of Dorchester which is based on basic principles of the British heir apparent Prince Charles and his Prince’s Foundation, underlies. Which tradition will be reinstalled here through the denial of recent paradigms? Where is the desire for old values and forms arising from? How utopian is the idea of a resurrection of last ways of living and rooming?
When: November 17, 2011, 6pm
Where: Electric Avenue, quartier21, Museumsquartier, 1070 Vienna
Exhibition duration: November 18, 2011 – February 16, 2012
Further information on the artist Julia Müller-Maenher in EIKON #76!
Friendly supported by Stadt Wien (City of Vienna)

Exhibition presenting all so far published EIKON Issues and Publications (am 01.11.2011)
From November 1 to November 30, 2011 for the first time EIKON presents all so far published issues and all special publications in an exciting exhibition at the Dom umenia / Palace of art in Bratislava. By doing so EIKON provides an extensive overview of 20 years working in the field of art publishing focusing both on Austrian and worldwide fine art photography as well as its impact in the context of new media.
Opening: November 1, 2011 at 7pm
Exhibition duration: November 2 - November 30, 2011; open daily, except Mondays, from 10 am until 6 pm
Where: Dom umenia, square. SNP 12, Bratislava, Slovakia

EIKON PhotoBrunch: Photography <&> Performance (am 23.10.2011)
On the occasion of the exhibition „Eindazwischenkommen“ at Schloss Wolkersdorf EIKON and FLUSS invite to a panel discussion about the relationship between photography and performance.
Elisa Andessner (artist)
Carla Bobadilla (artist)
Heinz Cibulka (photo artist and documentalist of the „Orgien Mysterien Theater“)
Gertrude Moser-Wagner (artist and curator of the exhibition "Eindazwischenkommen")
Boris Nieslony (artist and founder of “Black Market International”)
Moderation: Elisabeth M. Gottfried (EIKON)
Please register for the shuttle bus to Wolkersorf and write an email to office@eikon.at
When: Sunday, October 23, 2011, 10.30 am, Bus to Wolkersorf: 12.30 pm
Where: Raum D, Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON Student Special Subscription (am 12.10.2011)
German Version Only!

EIKON SchAUfenster: Nilbar Güres . Undressing (am 14.09.2011)
In her video performance „Undressing“ the young Turkish artist Nilbar Güres who lives in Vienna now reflects the situation of Muslim women living in Austria. Güres shows that veiling is a personal statement incorporating a biographic element: different forms of putting the veil on or the conscious choice of the fabric´s pattern refer to a self-governed individuality and identity of the respective women.
Opening: Wednesday, September 11, 2011 at 7 pm
Where: Electric Avenue, quartier 21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Exhibition Duration: September 15 - November 12, 2011
Read more about Nilbar Güres in EIKON #75
Further information: www.nilbargures.com, www.rampaistanbul.com

”Prohibitions in the Space of Art” exhibition at the Leopold Museum Vienna (am 17.06.2011)
EXHIBITION EXTENDED until August 29, 2011
In February 2011 EIKON announced a Europe-wide competition for photography on the subject of Prohibitions in the Space of Art. This competition was directed at all those who think the discussion of conventions is important when it comes to dealing with art or our behavior within spaces dedicated to art.
The winner projects and the best submissions are now shown in a three-week exhibition at the renowned Leopold Museum in Vienna from June 23 to July 17, 2011.
Participating artists: Anna Artaker (AT), Anja Bohnhof & Karen Weinert (DE), Mimi Connolly (GB), Catharina Freuis (AT), Moseid Geir (NO), G.R.A.M. (AT), Tobias Hübel (DE), Marko Lipuš (AT), Sabine Maier (AT), Adam de Neige (Fard) (AT), Zoran Pavelic (HR), Dario Srbić (DE), Wouter Verbeylen (BE)
Exhibition Opening: June 22, 2011, 8 pm
Exhibition duration: June 23 – August 29, 2011
Where: Leopold Museum Vienna, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON 20th anniversary celebration and exhibition opening ”Prohibitions in the Space of Art” on June 22 at the Leopold Museum (am 17.06.2011)
On the occasion of EIKON's 20th anniversary, we are looking forward to celebrating with long-standing friends, loyal readers and self-confessed EIKON-victims and are pleased to invite you to the EIKON 20th anniversary event on June 22 at the Leopold Museum Vienna.
Furthermore, the winners of this year´s Europe-wide EIKON Photography Competition “Prohibitions in the Space of Art” will be awarded and the exhibition will be opened. At the event there will also be a campaign for donations in order to support the refugee project of the Non-Profit Association Ute Bock.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
program EIKON 20th anniversary event :
7.30 pm: doors open
8 pm: EIKON 20th anniversary event, award ceremony & "Prohibitions in the Space of Art" exhibition opening
9.30 pm: EIKON 20th anniversary party at the Salon Leopold

EIKON FotoTalk on June 27, 2011 (am 17.06.2011)
EIKON invites everybody who is interested in art and photography to participate in the EIKON FotoTalk on June 27 at the Leopold Museum in Vienna. The discussion will be in the context of the Europe-wide EIKON Photography Competition “Prohibitions in the Space of Art”.
FotoTalk-participants: Roman Berka, Sonia Leimer, Walter Seidl, Vitus Weh
presenter: Brigitte Huck
We are looking forward to an exciting evening and your participation!
When: Monday, June 27, 2011, 7 pm
Where: Leopold Museum, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

Edition EIKON: Photography (am 24.05.2011)
EXHIBITION EXTENDED until September 3, 2011
On the occasion of its 20th anniversary EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art is pleased to invite to the opening of the exhibition “Edition EIKON: Photography” on May 24. The event is organized in cooperation with the well-known design hotel Le Méridien Vienna.
From the magazine’s foundation onward this is the first-time extensive exhibition displaying the limited Edition EIKON including photographic works by renowned national and international artists such as Eva Schlegel, Nan Hoover, Erwin Wurm, Arnulf Rainer and Jürgen Klauke.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 7pm
Le Méridien Vienna
Opernring 13
1010 Wien
Exhibition duration
May 25-September 3, 2011
Open daily, 10am-midnight

EIKON SchAUfenster: alien productions (am 22.02.2011)
Alien City ist alien productions virtuelle Stadt im Cyberspace. Sie existiert seit 1999 unter alien.mur.at/aliencity, befindet sich in einem Zustand permanenter Veränderung, ihr Aussehen ein ständiger Morph-Prozess von Elementen verschiedenster Städte dieser Welt. Von Zeit zu Zeit materialisiert Alien City an konkreten Orten in Installationen, Performances und Interventionen, um Elemente dieser Orte aufzusaugen und in ihr Erscheinungsbild zu integrieren.
Für das EIKON SchAUfenster öffnen alien productions ein reales Fenster auf die virtuelle Stadt.
Eröffnung: 22.02.2011, 18:00 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 23.02. – 09.05.2011
Besuchen Sie uns:
QDK - quartier für digitale Kunst
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien

X-MAX Party 2010 (am 16.12.2010)
Das war die EIKON Weihnachtsfeier am 16.12.2010
Vielen Dank an Milka für die lukullische Unterstützung!

EIKON FotoFrühstück: Environmental Art from Finnland (am 07.11.2010)
In the course of the photography festival Eyes On (European Month of Photography) EIKON and FLUSS invite you to a panel discussion on the occasion of the exhibition Environmental Art from Finnland with
Marko Lulic, Werner Fenz, Andrea Sodomka, Anna Zeilinger
moderation: Elisabeth M. Gottfried
Following you are invited to a joint breakfast and afterwards a shuttle bus will take you to the finissage of the exhibition Environmental Art from Finnland to Wolkersdorf.
When: Sunday, November 7, 10.30 am
Where: Raum D, quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

EIKON at the PhotoSpring Festival in Beijing (am 01.05.2010)
EIKON war zu Gast auf der PhotoSpring in Beijing.
Fotos der Ausstellung unserer Edition EIKON finden Sie unter dem unten stehend Link.

Exhibition - EIKON SchAUfenster: Mathias Kessler (am 18.02.2010)
Zeitgleich mit der Präsentation von EIKON 69 eröffnen wir die neue Ausstellung Nowhere to be found“ von Mathias Kessler im EIKON SchAUfenster. Dieter Buchhart hat in den Artist Pages der neuen Ausgabe über dessen Arbeit geschrieben:
Kessler markiert die schwere Unterscheidbarkeit zwischen kultiviertem Naturvorbild und dessen Repräsentationen und entblößt zugleich das häufige Scheitern dieser Repräsentationsversuche von Natur, die trotz perfekter Darstellungen nicht authentisch wirken. Denn die ideale Landschaft, die unberührte Natur hat nie existiert, war stets Fiktion.“
Ausstellungsdauer: 18.02.2010 - 03.06.2010
Eröffnung: 17.02.2010, 18:00-21:00 Uhr

EIKON SchAUfenster: Edgar Honetschläger (am 07.09.2009)
Nicht vergessen, nicht verpassen!
Am 8.9.2009 eröffnen wir im EIKON SchAUfenster die Ausstellung von Edgar Honetschläger.
Ort: EIKON SchAUfenster
quartier21, QDK, electric avenue, Museumsquartier Wien (Vordertrakt)
Zeit: 18.00 Uhr
Mehr Information unter: www.eikon.at, +43 1 597 70 88

Save the Date! EIKON events on may 27th (am 27.05.2009)
Speichern Sie das Datum 27.5.2009 im Kalender ihrer Wahl!
Gleich fünf Termine an einem Abend und Ort! Das ist nicht nur schon wieder ein Rekord, sondern gerade in der vorsommerlichen Zeit Labsal für die Seele fotografiebegeisterter Mitmenschen.
Reservieren Sie deshalb jetzt schon den Mittwoch, 27.05. für einen informativen und vergnüglichen Abend mit EIKON.
Programm: (genaue Zeiten gibt´s in Bälde)
18.00: Vortrag
The Parallax of World. Photography in the 21st Century - New Discourses on Photography as Humanistic Discipline: A Panoptical Overview, Johan Swinnen (Professor an der Université Libre de Bruxelles und an der Sorbonne, Paris), Ort: Kunsthalle Wien
19.00: Heftpräsentation EIKON #66, Ort: Raum D
20.00: Filmvorführung
Ona B. - Zeitansage, Ort: Raum D
20.15: Vorstellung des Re-designs von PhotoResarcher der EShPh
20.30: EIKON SchAUfenster Eröffnung
Studenten der Angewandten, Ort: EIKON SchAUfenster
21.00 bis 00.00: Release Party, Ort: Raum D
1. Kunsthalle Wien, Museumsquartier
2. EIKON SchAUfenster, Electric Avenue, quartier21
3. Raum D, Electric Avenue, quartier21
alle: MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Wir freuen uns bereits jetzt auf Ihr Kommen!
Haben Sie schon auf unseren Webshop geschaut?
Bei uns gibt es wieder neue EIKON Foto-Editionen.

EIKON found: The Most dangerous Camera (am 26.11.2008)
EIKON’s Search for “The Most Dangerous Camera”
To mark the Third European Month of Photography this November, EIKON is holding a competition for “the most dangerous camera.”
Roland Barthes described the dangerous and violent nature of photography that exceeds all clarification, all catharsis. In everyday life the link between a sense of threat and being photographed has been retained: a photograph is shot, someone or something is dragged before the lens, something or someone is captured in a photograph.
With the Most Dangerous Camera we go a step further: for us, a “dangerous camera” is a photographic object or apparatus that represents a danger for the photographed object (spectrum), the photographer (operator), or the beholder (spectator). The danger that can come from such an apparatus can be either of a physical or a psychological nature.
All art forms or disciplines are welcome in this competition. Any medium and form of engaging with the subject is possible: text, installation, images, objects, apparatus, or performance. The contest is open to all those interested: amateurs and professionals. We look forward to exciting and experimental submissions that do not shy away from danger.
A fresh, critical discourse on photography and its derivatives is just what we are looking for (our only condition: the submitted “cameras” should not actually be physically dangerous!)
The project submissions must have reached EIKON in presentation quality by latest November 3rd, 2008 (Post mark October 28th, 2008).
The EIKON jury will then choose the most interesting submissions that will be presented on November 6/7, 2008 at Quartier21/ Museumsquartier Wien in the framework of the Dangerous Camera event with the participants on hand. In lectures and discussions we will explore the dangerous potential of photography, its contexts, and apparatuses.
The best works of the competition will be awarded prizes and published in the future issues of EIKON. Select submissions will be on view in EIKON’s display "EIKON SchAUfenster" at Electric Avenue, Museumsquartier.
For more information on the competition or the event, please visit our website: www.eikon.at
Download Information: Call for Entries
When: Thursdas, 6.11.2008, Exhibition until 7.11.2008 in the "RaumD"
Where: RaumD, electric avenue, MQ Wien/quartier21, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
18.30 Uhr: Welcome
19:00 Uhr: Lecture by Adi Hoesle about Miroslav Tichy’s cameras
20:00 Uhr: Public discussion
20:30 Uhr: Awards show
Contact EIKON:
OEIP/Oesterreichisches Institut für Photographie und Medienkunst
Kulturbüros, 1. Stock
Museumsplatz 1/e - 1.6
1070 Vienna, Austria
Telephone +43 1 597 70 88
Fax +43 1 597 70 87
Email: wettbewerb@eikon.at

Photo-Breakfast, Focus: Backlight08 (am 16.11.2008)
Im Rahmen des Europäischen Monats der Fotografie (www.monatderfotografie.at) und in Zusammenarbeit mit FLUSS (www.fotofluss.at) findet am 16.11.2008, um 10.30 Uhr ein Fotofrühstück im Museumsquartier Wien statt.
Foto-Frühstück: Projektpräsentation von BACKLIGHT08 + Podiumsgespräch mit Ulrich Haas-Pursuainen (Projektmanager und Kurator), Anna Fabricius (teilnehmende Künstlerin), Gerda Lampalzer (teilnehmende Künstlerin), Martin Breindl (Kurator)
Moderation: Elisabeth M. Gottfried (Chefredaktion EIKON)
12.30:Shuttlebus nach Wolkersdorf zur Ausstellung "tickle attack"
13.30: Führung durch die Ausstellung "tickle attack", einige Künstler und Kuratoren werden anwesend sein, Finissage
16.30: Rückfahrt nach Wien
Anmeldungen für den Shuttlebus (bis 10.11.2008)
unter: info@fotofluss.at oder +43 (0) 2245 54 55
Veranstaltungsort Fotofrühstück:
Raum D/quartier21, QDK, electric avenue, Museumsquartier Wien (Vordertrakt), Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Veranstaltungsort Ausstellung:
A - 2120 Wolkersdorf, Schlossplatz 2

EIKON Releaseparty: Focus South Eastern Europe (am 23.09.2008)
Es ist wieder soweit: der Erscheinungstag des neuen EIKON #63 steht vor der Tür. Freuen Sie sich mit uns auf das neue Heft mit Fokus Südosteuropa.
Wir laden Sie sehr herzlich ein, im Rahmen einer Feier und Präsentation im Museumsquartier auf unsere Neuerscheinung anzustoßen.
Es sprechen:
Emil Brix, Leiter der Kulturpolitischen Sektion im Außenministerium
Carl Aigner, Gründungsherausgeber von EIKON
Marko Lulić, Kurator dieser Ausgabe
Für das leibliche Wohl sorgt "Frederik´s Catering".
Wann: 23. September 2008, 19 Uhr
Wo: MQ/quartier21/Electric Avenue - Raum D
(zu ebener Erde, nahe U3 Station Volkstheater)
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien

Exhibition: EIKON Student-P-ages (am 05.06.2008)
Die Zeitschrift EIKON bietet in jeder ihrer Ausgaben ausgewählten KunststudentInnen die Möglichkeit, ihre Arbeiten zu präsentieren, in der Saison 2007/08 in Kooperation mit der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien (www.dieangewandte.at). FLUSS gibt diesen jungen KünstlerInnen nun in einer Ausstellung die Gelegenheit, eine größere Auswahl ihrer Arbeiten zu zeigen.
Eröffnung: 28.05.2008, 18.00 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 29.05.2008-08.06.2008 (Sa.,So., sowie gegen Voranmeldung)

Lange Nacht der Museen - Lassen Sie sich gehen! (am 06.10.2007)
Im Rahmen der Langen Nacht der Museen Wien am 6. Oktober 2007 lädt EIKON zu einem ganz besonderen Programmpunkt in das quartier21.
Bei EIKON können Sie das neue Gesicht in Lukas Maximilian Hüllers lebensgroßer "Völlerei" werden!
-> Einfach Kopf durchstecken und abfotografieren lassen!
> 1 Polaroid + 1 Glas Sekt nur EUR 9.90,-
> Ein vom Künstler persönlich fotografiertes und signiertes Großformat-Polaroid (18 x 24 cm) gibt es um EUR 199,-
Die fotografische Bildinszenierung "Völlerei" ist dem Todsündentisch von Hieronymus Bosch nachempfunden und auch als Edition bei EIKON erhältlich (Info unter www.eikon.at/editionen)
Datum: Samstag, 6.10.2007
Ort: quartier21, AiR Base neben Freiraum
Zeit: 20.00 - 00.00

5 Jahre quartier21 + EIKON Release-Party. (am 14.09.2007)
Alles Gute: EIKON bereits seit 5 Jahren im quartier21
Rückblick: Am 14. September 2002 eröffnete im Museumsquartier Wien ein Kultur-Standort völlig neuen Zuschnitts seine Pforten: das quartier21.
Heute bereichern bereits über 50 verschiedene, innovative Kulturinstitutionen auf knapp 7000 m² den Kulturcluster quartier21, so auch die Zeitschrift EIKON, welche von der Geburtsstunde an Teil des Projektes ist.
Am 14. September 2007 wird deshalb der 5. Geburtstag gefeiert. Das Geburtstagsprogramm ist so vielseitig wie das quartier21 selbst. (Mehr Information unter: quartier21.mqw.at)
Unser Programm:
EIKON präsentiert zu diesem Anlass das neue Schwerpunktheft "Belgien im Blick!" und lädt zu einer Release-Feier in seine Büroräumlichkeiten.
Zusätzlich gibt es einen großen Lagerabverkauf und somit die Möglichkeit, ältere und seltene EIKON Exemplare, welche vielleicht noch in Ihrer Sammlung fehlen, zu unverschämt günstigen Preisen zu ergattern.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Ort: quartier21
Kulturbüros, 1.Stock (Eingang Innenhof, neben Haupteingang)
Datum: 14. September 2007
Dauer: 17-22h
P.S.: Besuchen Sie uns am 14. September auch auf unserem Präsentationsstand im Foyer der Ovalhalle des quartier21.

EIKON FotoTalk #6 (am 05.06.2007)
EIKON FotoTalk #6
MedienkunstpreisträgerInnen des Landes Niederösterreich 2006 in Zusammenarbeit mit FLUSS (www.fluss.at)
Die PreisträgerInnen 2006 - Gerda Lampalzer (Würdigungspreis), Gue Schmidt und alien productions (Anerkennungspreise) - präsentieren ausgewählte Arbeiten.
Für kleine Erfischungen wird gesorgt!
Wann: 05.06.2007, 19 Uhr
Ort: Freiraum, quartier 21, Museumsquartier, 1070 Wien
Mehr Information unter:
office@eikon.at, +43 1 597 70 88

EIKON Charity Auktion: Das Ergebnis (am 14.05.2007)
Die EIKON Charity-Auktion im WestLicht.Schauplatz für Fotografie war ein voller Erfolg! (Veranstaltungsbilder unter: News/Fotos)
Insgesamt konnten 25.000 Euro an Spendengeldern (Auktionsergebnis und Spenden-Einnahmen am EIKON Jubiläumsfest) für das Wiener Integrationshaus übergeben werden.
Der Abend wurde von Barbara Rett moderiert und von Willi Resetarits, Roland Neuwirth und Gerald Preinfalk musikalisch begleitet. Die Auktion leitete Christof Stein. Der Reinerlös kommt dem Integrationshaus zu Gute.
Wir danken allen Beteiligten und Spendern für Ihre großartige Unterstützung!
Über das Projekt:
Das Integrationshaus ist seit seiner Gründung ein vorbildhaftes Projektzentrum für die Aufnahme und Integration von AsylwerberInnen, Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen - auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene. Um ihre Anerkennung und Unterstützung dieser wichtigen Institution zu zeigen, haben sich 19 Persönlichkeiten der Kunst- und Kulturlandschaft Österreichs, darunter Christian Ludwig Attersee, Maria Bill und Elfie Semotan, im Rahmen der 15-jährigen Jubiläumsfeier von EIKON fotografieren lassen. Diese Portraits wurden nun gemeinsam von WestLicht und EIKON versteigert. Die 50 x 60 cm großen Unikate wurden mit der weltgrößten Polaroidkamera gemacht, einem beeindruckenden Apparat, von dem es weltweit nur noch zwei funktionierende Exemplare gibt. Da die Firma Polaroid noch heuer die Produktion des benötigten fotografischen Materials einstellen möchte, ist die Zahl dieser riesigen Polaroids stark begrenzt. Jedes Portrait ist datiert und sowohl vom Fotografen Jan Hnizdo als auch vom Portraitierten signiert.
Fotos der Veranstaltung finden Sie unter: EIKON Fotos

EIKON Charity Auktion im WestLicht (am 16.04.2007)
EIKON und WestLicht laden ein zur
Charity Auktion zu Gunsten des Integrationshauses
am Montag, den 14. Mai 2007, 19 Uhr, im WestLicht
Das Integrationshaus ist seit seiner Gründung ein vorbildhaftes Projektzentrum für die Aufnahme und Integration von AsylwerberInnen, Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen - auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.
Um ihre Anerkennung und Unterstützung dieser wichtigen Institution zu zeigen, haben sich 19 Persönlichkeiten der Kunst- und Kulturlandschaft Österreichs, darunter Christian Ludwig Attersee, Maria Bill und Elfie Semotan, im Rahmen der 15-jährigen Jubiläumsfeier von EIKON fotografieren lassen. Diese Portraits werden nun gemeinsam von WestLicht und EIKON versteigert. Die 50 x 60 cm großen Unikate wurden mit der weltgrößten Polaroidkamera gemacht, einem beeindruckender Apparat, von dem es weltweit nur noch zwei funktionierende Exemplare gibt. Da die Firma Polaroid noch heuer die Produktion des benötigten fotografischen Materials einstellen möchte, ist die Zahl dieser riesigen Polaroids stark begrenzt.
Jedes Portrait ist datiert und sowohl vom Fotografen Jan Hnizdo als auch vom Portraitierten signiert.
Der Abend wird von Barbara Rett moderiert und von Willi Resetarits, Roland Neuwirth und Gerald Preinfalk musikalisch begleitet. Die Auktion leitet Christoph Stein.
Der Reinerlös kommt dem Integrationshauses zu Gute.
Die Fotografien sind von 20. April bis 4. Mai bei UNVERKÄUFLICH (Breitegasse 11, 1070 Wien) und vom 8. bis 14. Mai zur Vorbesichtigung in der Galerie WestLicht im Rahmen der Ansel Adams Ausstellung Classic Images ausgestellt.
Portraits von:
Carl Aigner, Christian Ludwig Attersee, Gerald Bast, Maria Bill, Elisabeth M. Gottfried, Hubertus Hohenlohe, Elke Krystufek featuring Gerd Gerhard Loeffler, Gerald Matt, Jürgen Messensee, Robert Meyer, Christian + Wolfgang Muthspiel, Roland Neuwirth, Ferry Radax, Willi Resetarits, Klaus Rott, Elfie Semotan, Gerhard Trumler, Wolfgang Waldner.

15 years of EIKON (am 15.03.2007)
"15 Jahre Belichtungszeit - 15 Jahre EIKON"
15 Jahre EIKON - Gibt es einen besseren Anlass für eine unvergessliche Feier? Unter dem Motto "15 Jahre Belichtungszeit" laden wir Sie herzlich ins Museumsquartier.
Erleben Sie ein LIVE-Fotoshooting mit der weltgrößten Polaroid-Kamera (50 x 60 cm!!!) mit Portraits bekannter Persönlichkeiten, eine amerikanische Versteigerung zugunsten des Wiener Integrationshauses, Gerald Preinfalk live am Saxophon, Projektionen (Angewandte), DJ´s, VJ´s, u.v.m.
Datum: Do. 15.3.2007
Ort: Museumsquartier/q21, Ovalhalle
Start: 19 Uhr

Eikon FotoTalk #5 (am 21.11.2006)
Am 21. November veranstaltete EIKON bereits zum fünften Mal einen EIKON FotoTalk. Als Gesprächs- und Diskussionspartner begrüßten wir dieses Mal den Künstler Lukas Maximilian Hüller, dem EIKON in seiner 54. Ausgabe einen Hauptbeitrag gewidmet hat, und die Kunsthistorikerin Anna Stuhlpfarrer.

Eikon FotoTalk #4 (am 31.05.2006)
Der Künstler Edgar Lissel im Gespräch mit Gabriele Jutz, Film und Medienwissenschaftlerin.
In seinen Arbeiten untersucht Edgar Lissel die Prozeßhaftigkeit der Bildentstehung. Indem er lichtsensible Bakterien und Nachleuchtpigmente einem direkten Belichtungsvorgang aussetzt, macht er nicht nur die Körperlichkeit des Mediums selbst sichtbar, sondern begibt sich an der Schnittstelle zwischen Archäologie, Biologie und Kunst auf die Suche nach neuen Bildern.

EIKON FotoTalk #3 (am 15.02.2006)
3. EIKON FotoTalk mit dem Künstler Paul Kranzler und Ulrike Matzer.

EIKON FotoTalk #2 (am 25.10.2005)

Celebration: 50th issue of EIKON (am 31.05.2005)
Am 31.5.2005 lud das Össterreichische Institut für Photographie und Medienkunst ins WestLicht um sich bei allen Unterstütztern, Künstlern und Wegbegleitern für die gute Zusammenarbeit zu bedanken, und gemeinsam auf die 50. Ausgabe der Zeitschrift EIKON anzustossen.

EIKON FotoTalk #1 (am 28.04.2005)
Der EIKON FotoTalk versteht sich nicht nur als eine Plattform für die offene Auseinandersetzung mit österreichischer Foto- und Medienkunst, sondern soll auch denjenigen Menschen, welche weniger an den hochtheoretischen Diskursen teilhaben, einen Einblick in diesen faszinierenden Bereich der zeitgenössischen Kunst geben.
Eingeladen waren Robert F. Hammerstiel und Ruth Horak.